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Spring Gardening Checklist: Before & After Last Frost | Empress of Dirt


Use this spring gardening checklist to get your garden in shape before and after last frost. I’ve listed all the essentials to support local wildlife while getting everything in shape for the growing season ahead.

For the bigger picture, I also have a year-at-a-glance overview of Garden Tasks By Season from spring to winter for cold climate gardeners.

Printable Spring Garden Checklist

Empress of Dirt Spring Gardening Checklist.

Gertrude Jekyll.

The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others, is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives. Gertrude Jekyll

I love lists! And this Spring Gardening Checklist is packed with good ideas. No two gardens are the same, but, by reading through it, you will certainly think of things you want to get done in your growing space—no matter what size or style.

And whatever you choose to do, enjoy it!

Spring is peak phenology season, where the amazing inter-relationships between living things are most evident. And experiencing it makes life that much sweeter.

Those of us in cold climates get to witness the incredible transformation from cold, freezing, and snow to the earth bursting forth with new growth. It’s a joy I look forward to each year.

Have a look at the suggestions and grab your free printable in the Resources section.

Spring Gardening Checklist

The number one question I get asked is when is it safe to plant outdoors? This explains how to know what to plant when before your last frost.

1Get Ready

Before we start work in the garden, there are a few things to take care of. Timing will depend on your location and resources, of course.

  • First, get outside and have a look at the garden. Is there any winter damage? What’s growing? Any repairs needed? Take photos and jot down notes.
  • Know your garden zone and last frost date (see Read More for links). That determines when tender plants can cope.
  • Look over your notes from last year and start this year’s. The Empress of Dirt printable garden planner can be used year after year.
  • Start planning. What do you want to grow this year? Any building projects? Do you want to get a jump start by starting seeds indoors? This has a handy indoor seed starting schedule.
  • Organize your seeds | This shows two smart and simple systems.
  • Visit plant nurseries. Browse. Dream. Plot. Scheme. 
  • Stock up on spring seeds, veggie transplants, potting soil.
  • Order bulk delivery of soil, compost and mulchCheck for early bird deals. 
  • Start turning compost pile twice a week if possible.
  • Get a soil test from an accredited lab and find out what your soil truly needs. We compared the accuracy of a home soil test kit versus lab results here.
  • If you’re starting new beds, consider using the cardboard method to speed things up.

Read More

2Clean Up Garden Beds

Is It Time for Spring Garden “Clean Up”?

Instead of relying on a specific date which may not fit your conditions, use these signs to know it’s time for tidying up the debris from last year’s garden.

1) Last frost is within a few weeks (the later you wait, the better).
2) Temperatures are consistently averaging 50°F (10°C) or higher.
2) Lots of insects are flitting about, leaving their winter habitat.

The idea is to disrupt the overwintering insects (and more) as little as possible. Once they are moving about, tidy up old debris only if needed. Leave as many 12-18-inch stalks as possible—there’s life in there. Compromise neatness for what nature needs to thrive. Wildlife and plants are completely co-dependent. Survival depends not only on living plants but access to dead & decaying organic matter all year-round.

These are tips and tasks from my garden:

  • Avoid walking in garden beds when the soil is damp: you don’t want to crush all those tender roots underground or push down any emerging plant snouts and shoots. If you must do it, put down a wood plank to better distribute your weight.
  • Inspect beds for plants that died over the winter but don’t be fooled by slow-growers. When in doubt, wait! And then wait some more.
  • Clear away any mulch used to cover perennials in winter.
  • Cut away dead leaves and stems from perennials when new growth is well underway.
  • Remove weeds at roots. Use a thick barrier to suppress invasive plants (ivy, crabgrass, etc.).
  • Add any stakes, trellis, or other supports that will be needed.
  • Edge beds for a nice, crisp look.
  • Add any (organic, slow-release) fertilizers—if needed.
  • Add compost to enrich the soil.
  • Top with mulch. I currently use 2-inches of finely chopped hardwood chips. Whatever you choose, be sure the rain can get through.


3Transition Plants

If you have plants indoors awaiting outdoor planting, most can be gradually transitioned near or after your expected last frost date if the weather is behaving.

The key to successful transitioning from indoors to outdoors or vice-versa, is easy does it!

  • Did you stash potted trees in a garage or start bulbs in a container last fall? It’s time to increase light and water.

Once the risk of frost has passed:

  • Harden off (transition) indoor seedlings in preparation for transplanting.
  • Give houseplants their summer holiday on the patio—but avoid sudden changes and harsh light. It varies by species but many tropical plants will enjoy outdoor living once temperatures are consistently over 60F (15C).


4Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Grasses

  • Remove winter covers including burlap wraps.
  • Inspect for winter damage.
  • Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches: this is much easier to do before leaves fill in.
  • Look up your specific plants to determine best time to prune for plant health, safety, size, shape, and to stimulate new growth.
  • Generally, plants that bloom in late summer or fall are pruned in spring. But you have to check first. The goal is to avoid snipping off buds that will produce future flowers.
  • Note any vines needing better trellis or supports.
  • Trim back dead growth on deciduous grasses, careful not to cut new growth.
  • Cut back late summer and fall raspberries.


5Sow, Divide, Plant, and Propagate

This has specific tips to know when it’s safe to plant and sow in the spring garden before last frost.

  • Plant summer flowering bulbs in containers or in the ground as the soil warms.
  • Sow cool weather veggies for early crops when temperatures are suitable.
  • Use frost covers, polytunnels, cold frames, or cloches to protect young annuals.
  • Get geraniums and bulbs out of storage for spring planting.
  • Reseed patchy areas of lawn or use transplants. Or start converting to wildflower ground cover.
  • Take softwood cuttings and grow more of your favorite plants.
  • Start seeds indoors. Most seeds that benefit from an indoor start should be sown 4 to 6 weeks before last frost but there are plenty of other options as well.

New to Veggie Growing?
See How to Start Your First Vegetable Garden Now


6Tools & Equipment

Once the risk of frost is over (we hope), it’s time to get set up for the season ahead.

  • Set up garden hoses and rain barrels.
  • Check that rain gutters are clear of debris.
  • Clean and sharpen garden tools.
  • Get wheelbarrow tire inflated.
  • Take lawn mower blades in to be sharpened and avoid the rush.
  • Remove pond heaters.
  • Set up fountains, pond pumps, and put water plants in summer locations.
  • Clean out shed and storage areas.


7Wild Things


8Patio & Decor

  • Set up patio furniture and put out garden art and décor from winter storage. If you didn’t wash it in fall, now is a good time. I use a pressure washer.



Any big plans for the garden this year? Me? I love to build with wood.

Ideas include:

  • Greenhouse | Any size!
  • Raised beds or tall planting boxes
  • Fence or privacy walls
  • Ponds or water features
  • Shed or tool storage cupboard
  • Potting table



Empress of Dirt

Spring Gardening Checklist

Empress of Dirt Spring Gardening Checklist.

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This free tip sheet is in PDF format and can be read on any device . Watch where the file saves on your device so you know where to find it.

Empress of Dirt Printable Garden Planner cover.

Empress of Dirt
Printable Garden Planner & Notes

An assortment of basic garden checklists, undated calendars, and note pages for planning and tracking your gardening season.

About The Planner | Visit Ebook Shop

This is a digital file (PDF format) you save to your device to print as much as you like for your own personal use. It is not a physical product.

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Seed Starting For Beginners ebook cover.

Seed Starting for Beginners
Sow Inside Grow Outside

by Melissa J. Will

NEW EDITION | Everything you need to get started with indoor seed starting for indoor and outdoor plants. Grow what you want—any time of year!

About This Ebook | Visit Ebook Shop

This ebook is a digital file (PDF format) you save to your device. It is not a physical product.

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Find Your Frost Dates & Hardiness Zone

  • Plant Hardiness Zones | United States flag United States | Canadian flag Canada
    These are listed on seed packets and plant tags to guide your choices.

So, what did I forget? I know there’s always more….

Happy spring!

~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛

Empress of Dirt Spring Gardening Checklist.


Melissa J. Will

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