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Spotted Lanternfly Information & Facts – Farmside Landscape & Design
Be on the Lookout for the Spotted Lanternfly – The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula, an invasive pest native to China, India, and Vietnam, was first discovered in the U.S. in Pennsylvania in Berks County in 2014, and has spread to other states including New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, New York, Connecticut and Ohio.
Though harmless to humans and animals, the spotted lanternfly is a voracious eater that causes significant feeding damage such as oozing sap, wilting, leaf curling and dieback in trees, vines, crops and many other types of plants. It uses its piercing-sucking mouthpart to feed on sap from over 70 different plant species. The large number in which these pests amass, contribute to the severity of destruction they cause.
The SLF excretes honeydew (a sugary substance) as it feeds, that can build up and promote the growth of sooty mold (fungi), which can cover and injure plants and forest understories, as well as get on patio furniture, cars, and anything else found below the lanternfly’s feeding area.
Preferred Plantings of the Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted lanternflies have a preference for Ailanthus altissima, the Tree of Heaven, and grapes – both orchard and wild grapes, which has a devastating effect on vineyards. Tree of Heaven is native to China, but was widely planted in much of the eastern U.S. decades ago both for erosion control and as an ornamental street tree in many towns. Female trees produce abundant seeds that can take root in a variety of soils, which has caused the tree to now be regarded as an invasive plant in the US. In addition to Tree of Heaven and grapes, the SLF also likes apple, peach, walnut and maple trees, plus basil plants, vegetables and hops.
Lifecyle of the Spotted Lanternfly
Adults lay eggs in masses in the late fall on trees, posts, lawn furniture, cars, trailers, outdoor grills, firewood – anything left outdoors. Females can lay up to two egg masses, each consisting of 30-50 eggs. Each egg mass is about 1 inch in size. A freshly laid egg mass has a light gray, mud-like covering over the eggs. Older egg masses turn light tan and resemble cracked mud. Hatched egg masses lose their mud-like covering, exposing individual eggs that look like seeds. Research has shown that 80 to 90 percent of egg masses on trees are found 10 feet or more above ground.
Spotted lanternflies go through five stages of growth after hatching from their eggs. In their first four stages (nymph stages) the are incapable of flight. The young nymphs, roughly the size of a pencil eraser, are black with bright white spots. In the next stages of growth, the nymphs look the same, but become larger. In the fourth stage of growth, just prior to adulthood, the spotted lanternfly turns a brilliant red, with distinct patches/stripes of black and bright white spots. Finally, the adult SLF grows to about 1″ long, with grey wings with black spots. When the wings are opened, a bright red underwing with black spots is revealed. While the adults can fly, they generally prefer to hop/jump and glide exposing their hindwings.
Quarantined NJ Counties
There are several counties in New Jersey that have a significant enough infestation of Spotted Lanterfly to be designated as under quarantine. Currently quarantined counties include:
- Burlington
- Camden
- Gloucester
- Hunterdon
- Mercer
- Salem
- Somerset
- Warren
Counties with confirmed, smaller SLF populations and /or regulatory incidents include:
- Atlantic
- Bergen
- Cumberland
- Essex
- Hudson
- Middlesex
- Monmouth
- Morris
- Ocean
- Passaic
- Sussex
- Union
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