I very much want a “fresh start” with my style (clothing, maybe hair, and apartment decor). I’m turning 30 in three weeks, started a new job in April, will graduate with my masters in December, and am coming off of a breakup. I have maybe $1,000 to throw at the problem (I am cash flowing grad school, so can’t spend too too much).

I don’t love my apartment, it’s fine but not great but it’s affordable in a neighborhood that I LOVE. I signed an 18 month lease renewal in February, so I’ve got about a year left to embrace it. Luckily I’m set on furniture, but I couid use ti reorganize it / purge / redecorate a bit.

I have an appointment for highlights as a birthday gift to myself (my first time ever dying my hair!). I’m debating trying lash extensions or treating myself to more frequent professional manicures this summer. I want to change my look, not too drastically, but something. And, I want to feel more put together.

I love fashion and have been on a budget, so my clothes and accessories are a mix of cheaper brands or thrifted items with the very occasional splurge. I’ve dealt with some medical stuff over the last 18 months and am (finally) on the other end of it (I hope), but my weight has been all over the place as a result. I can’t decide if I should embrace where I am now and purge my closet, only keep what I really love and that fit, and invest in some new, nicer pieces or if I should wait and see where my body settles out. I know waiting makes more sense, but I feel like I’ve been in this bad slog of medical stuff and clothing not being what i want for so long now that I don’t want to keep waiting. And, FWIW by nicer I mean Madewell or BR, not designer!

I guess my life just felt so unsettled the last few years as I’ve known a lot of things were a) not right (old job, apartment, medical stuff) or b) not settled (being in school, being in a long distance relationship). I really want to go into this next year if my life feeling more permanent and put together and embrace coming out the other end doing alright!

Not sure what I’m asking, almost looking for a guide ir suggestions of how to decide what changes to make?


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