Speak Up: Marijuana legalization bill passes Delaware House – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
Speak Up: Marijuana legalization bill passes Delaware House
The legalization component of state Rep. Ed Osienski’s push to regulate adult-use cannabis in the First State successfully passed the House of Representatives on March 7. Despite public safety and childhood development concerns from House Republicans, the bill has been sent to the Senate, which passed the previous version of the legislation during the 151st General Assembly. House Bill 1, one-half of the two-pronged approach from Rep. Osienski, D-Newark, legalizes and removes penalties for the possession of marijuana in quantities deemed for personal use.
- Half the state is already driving around stoned, and we need to legalize this? — Warren Avis
To snow or not to snow?
Delaware has experienced a fairly mild winter with almost no snow, while other parts of the country have been slammed with an abundance of weather. Recently, forecasters were calling for 1 to 2 feet of snow across higher ridges in northern California and southern Oregon, while farther south, lower elevations face flooding risks due to heavy rainfall and melting snow. The north portion of the country has received plenty of the white stuff, as well. Are you a fan of snow? What are the pluses and minuses of no snow in the First…
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