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Space marines are so big the Space Marine 2 dev team had to spend a considerable amount of time just getting their walking and running animations right


Have you ever looked at a space marine’s legs? Like, properly looked at how their thighs connect to their hips and wondered what’s going on inside that armor? Their stance is so wide it’s impossible to imagine a normal man being able to stand like that, which is fine because space marines aren’t normal men. They’re genetically engineered transhuman supersoldiers and part of the surgical modification that makes them space marines is apparently letting them stand like their legs are bolted to the sides of their waist.

On the tabletop, this is fine. In fact, it’s great. The space marines have a powerful silhouette and are easy to paint. The gigantic shoulderpads give you a focus when you’re looking down at them from above, and their armor makes them pop in a way that, even with exaggerated hands and heads, 32mm human miniatures can’t really achieve.


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