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Space Marine 2 devs will adjust Veteran difficulty to make it ‘slightly more fair,’ but they really don’t want to do an FOV slider—and you can just forget about shoulder swapping


Space Marine 2 is doing fine, but that doesn’t mean it can’t do better. Earlier this month, after the first hotfix went live, the dev team said “we’re reading all of your feedback with great attention,” and now to prove it, Focus Entertainment has posted a lengthy Q&A addressing many of the “hottest topics” submitted by players.

Top of the list is connectivity issues, which are causing lost saves and making it difficult to play with friends: Addressing that is a “top priority” for the development team, Focus said, and server capacity is being increased to better handle the demand. Bot companions, which have been criticized for being “inefficient” in solo play, will also be tweaked to be more effective in boss fights, and may be made more active regarding “specific objectives in the campaign” in a patch further down the road.

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