The lightweight, sleek, portable device combines red light therapy, facial massage, microcurrent, and therapeutic warmth into a single treatment, all of which are automatically activated when the wand comes in contact with moisture. 

Using 660 nanometer wavelength red light, the wand penetrates your skin’s surface to ease discoloration and even out the tone, while its microcurrent energy stimulates deeper facial muscles, lifting and tightening from within. The subtle massage works to relax your muscles to reduce puffiness, with the warmth helping to absorb your skincare products and brighten any dark under-eye circles.

Pretty cool, but what does this actually mean for your skin? According to Solawave, the 4-in-1 device reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, blemishes, and dark spots when used regularly. This means using the Solawave for at least three times a week for 5 minutes per day on clean, moisturized skin. 

And while it sounds somewhat intimidating, you’ll find easy-to-follow instructions, along with video and image tutorials. Not to mention, there are a whole lot of impressive before and after photos—yup, those always get me, too. (Of course, a buy-one-get-one sale like the current discount always helps!)

Carleigh Ferrante

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