• Digital identity verification innovator Socure announced a partnership with identity-secured transactions company Proof.
  • The partnership will combine Proof’s Defend solution with Socure’s Sigma Fraud suite to help companies fight fraud and forgery in authorizations, agreements, contracts, and forms.
  • Founded in 2012, Socure made its Finovate debut the following year at FinovateFall in New York.

A new partnership between digital identity verification innovator Socure and identity-secured transactions company Proof will bring new tools to the fight against fraud and forgery in authorizations, contracts, and forms.

“With the explosion of new fraud vectors, our mission at Socure remains steadfast: use AI to deliver the most accurate anti-fraud and identity verification solutions in the industry,” Socure Founder and CEO Johnny Ayers said. “Partnering with Proof allows us to uniquely ensure identity-assured transactions for contracts, authorizations, forms, and high-risk financial events across various sectors.”

While there is widespread understanding about threats like money laundering that cost businesses $18 billion every year, the challenge from document fraud is significantly greater. A 2021 report from FINCEN revealed that false records and forgery are responsible for more than $45 billion in fraud activity annually. Fraudsters also have become more effective at leveraging AI to deploy deepfakes, synthetic identities, and – in the case of document fraud – falsified records.

The partnership will blend the strengths of Proof’s Defend solution with Socure’s Sigma Fraud suite. Defend leverages 100+ behavioral, fraud risk signals to detect fraud in online customer interactions. Businesses get a risk score for every transaction that highlights any fraud issues behind the authorization, signature, notarization, or identity verification.

Sigma Fraud analyzes historic behavioral patterns across channels to spot anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity at the identity level. The suite also is backed by consortium data from the Socure Risk Insights Network, which draws from nearly 2,400 customers from the country’s largest banks, fintechs, payment platforms, and payroll providers.

“Adding Socure’s digital identity verification capabilities to Defend, our fraud detection and prevention product, allows customers to secure transactions at every stage, quickly and accurately,” Proof CEO Pat Kinsel said. “We can’t think of a better partner and are excited to introduce Socure to Defend clients.”

Founded in 2012, Socure made its Finovate debut at FinovateFall a year later. Most recently demoing its technology on the Finovate stage in 2017, Socure has since grown into a leader in digital identity verification with more than 2,300 customers. Last month, the company unveiled its new global watchlist screening and monitoring tool. The solution gives financial institutions the ability to screen, monitor, and assess new and existing customers against the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanction lists and politically exposed persons (PEP) databases, adverse media, and custom watchlists.

Socure began the year announcing a pair of new partnerships. In January, the company reported that auto finance company Exeter Finance would deploy the Socure ID+ platform to onboard new customers. In February, Socure teamed up with fellow Finovate alum Trustly to offer a Pay-by-Bank solution with streamlined onboarding.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Views: 152

David Penn

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