That first fateful night, I took two capsules of sleep support+ about an hour before bedtime. When I later snuggled into bed to read before lights out, I felt at ease and relaxed. As I flipped pages, I could feel myself dozing off. So I abandoned my book at least 20 minutes before my normal bedtime—and I fell asleep within minutes of cuddling under the covers.*

The next morning I woke up after eight blissful hours of sleep. For the first time in months, I felt well-rested.* There was no grogginess, like I might have expected with other sleep aids, so I felt clear-minded going into my day.

After three weeks of regular use, my bottle is nearly empty, and I feel like I’m getting the best sleep that I’ve had in years. But you don’t have to take it from me—these ingredients have scientific backup, too.

Braelyn Wood

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