Dating & Love
Signs He Cares Deeply About You
It is a universally acknowledged truth that men are not the most efficient at communication. If you find yourself searching for signs he cares deeply about you, you are not alone. In fact, there are many women waiting in line right behind you to find this answer. The thing with men is that they could be raising kids and adopting dogs with you in their head but will hardly ever talk about it. The silence, however, should not be mistaken for indifference.
Communication might be their Achilles heel but men have their own, sometimes unusual, ways of showing that they care deeply about you. You just have to recognize the signs that someone cares about you deeply. Whether you are in a relationship, have just been dating, or are still in the phase of crushing over each other, ladies, get your notebooks out because we are about to tell you how you can identify signs he cares deeply about you.
29 Sure Signs He Cares Deeply About You
When your partner doesn’t have a way with words, there may be days when you are sitting in confusion and asking the universe for signs that someone cares about you deeply while the indicators are right in front of your eyes all along.
There are small gestures, which if not observed can go unnoticed. You will feel that he doesn’t care deeply about you and he will feel like you don’t acknowledge his efforts. So before your confusion gets the better of you, here are 29 sure signs he cares deeply about you:
1. Listening attentively is a sign he cares more than you think
Even on a good day, some women can’t get their partners to pay attention to them. Generally speaking, men have the attention span of a goldfish. Thus, if he becomes big ears around you and listens to you patiently and attentively as you rant about your bitchy friend for the 100th time, it is one of the signs he cares more than you think. More than listening, if this man is actually absorbing all the information you are throwing at him, then girl, stop worrying already because it is a sign he cares deeply about you.
One of my friends once told me what made her sure that her boyfriend cared about her. She said, “I once casually mentioned that I used to love going to the little beach hidden away in the outskirts of our town. Not a lot of people knew about the location of this beach so I was surprised when my boyfriend took us there for a picnic on our anniversary. The fact that he listened and remembered was a sign he cared deeply about me.”
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2. He knows your favorite food
Knowing about your favorite food shows that he pays attention to you. If he takes you out for meals and brings you your favorite dessert from the bakery on the opposite end of the town, then it is a sign he cares deeply about you. Now, who said that only a man’s heart can be reached through food?
3. Honesty is a sign that he loves you secretly
Honesty does not come easy to all men. Most of them resort to white lies because they like their freedom too much and do not want to answer anyone. So, when a man is being honest as a saint in front of you, it is a clear sign he loves you secretly. He feels comfortable enough with you, to be honest, and respects you enough to know that you deserve the truth. How to know he cares deeply? Notice his honesty and acknowledge it.
4. Shielding you from traffic is a sign he is protective of you
Men do not always need to fight goons and save you from a supervillain to give you signs he is protective of you. Sometimes, simple gestures speak volumes. If he does not let you walk on the outer side of a road and always ensures that you walk on the sidewalk, he is practically screaming that he cares about you deeply and it can be one of the signs he cares more than you think.
5. He respects your boundaries
Wondering how to spot the signs that someone cares about you? Pay attention to how he reacts to your boundaries. A man who genuinely cares about you would never second-guess you, manipulate you or try to run your life for you. Respecting your boundaries in a relationship, giving you the space you need, and acknowledging that you are your own person is a sign he cares deeply about you.
6. You make him laugh
One of the physical signs he cares deeply about you is his laughter. It is a known fact that couples who laugh together are happier and more in love than those who do not share a sense of humor. If he laughs at your jokes and shares your sense of humor, it is a way of expressing his interest in you.
Are you known for your lame sense of humor? Do your friends always get annoyed by your jokes? But the new guy cannot stop laughing at them? You can count his laughter among the physical signs he cares deeply about you.
7. Trying to please you is a sign he cares deeply about you
When a man goes out of his way to please you, it is a giant, bigger than the size of Mount Everest sign he cares about you more than you think. For you, he might just be a friend. But if he travels 40 miles from one end of the city to another to deliver you your favorite ice cream when you are on your period, then it is one of the signs he cares deeply about you more than a friend would. So, take the hint
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8. He asks you about your interests
Remember when we said that one of the signs he cares deeply about you is when he listens? (It’s the first point, start taking notes already!) Well, another sign he cares deeply about you is that he not only listens but also urges you to talk about your interests. It is his way of expressing that he wants to know more about you and your life.
He will ask you questions about your childhood, encourage you to talk more about your hobbies, ask you follow-up questions when you share something with him. He will make you the center of his attention and let you know that he is invested in your interests. If you have been observing this in that special someone in your life, these are signs he cares more than you think.
9. He puts effort into his appearance
You see a well-dressed, handsome man at a bar, give him your number, become his girlfriend, and then suddenly the well-dressed man turns into a man child who wears nothing but comic t-shirts and torn jeans. Has this happened to you?

One of the ways of answering the perpetual “how to know if he cares deeply?” is to observe his appearance. We are not saying you judge him for his appearances, please don’t do that. What we mean is that when a man puts effort into his appearance even after he has begun dating you, it is a sign that he wants to ensure you are attracted to him and puts extra effort to ensure that you get the eye candy that you want. Did he remember you like men who are well dressed and showed up wearing a suit for your last date? Did he trim his beard during no shave November? These are signs he loves you deeply secretly.
10. Noticing small details is a sign that he deeply cares about you
If the man you are dating remembers the name of your first doll, the first city you ever visited, or the name of your first best friend in school, it is one of the signs he loves you deeply secretly.
11. He introduces you to his friends
One of the signs he loves you deeply secretly is that he will introduce you to his friends. It is a sign that he wants you to be a part of his life and is comfortable introducing you to his inner circle. When you meet his friends, they will probably know a lot about you already.
This shows that he talks about you, wants people to know you are a part of his life, and is thinking about you even when you are not around. It is one of the signs that someone cares about you deeply.
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12. Noticing a change in you is a sign that someone cares deeply about
Men can be ignorant. They could have the most obvious things in front of their eyes and still not notice it. So, if the guy you have been hanging out with notices the smallest of changes in your appearance, it is a sign he cares about you deeply.
He noticed the almost invisible change in your hairstyle, observed that you changed the color of your nail paint or that you are not laughing the way you usually do. These are signs he cares more than you think.
13. You catch him staring at you
It is obvious that we want to look at the people we love. One of the reasons my best friend found out about her boyfriend having a crush on her was because she would often catch him stealing glances of her.
She said, “I noticed that even when we were in a group, he would often stare at me and look away the moment I noticed. I later realized that he really likes me.” When you catch your man staring at you or you notice that even in a crowd, his eyes search for you, it is a sign he cares deeply about you.
14. He cares for you when you are sick
How to know he cares deeply? Observe him when you are sick. If he leaves everything and sits by your bed, reading your stories and massaging your feet, darling, there cannot be bigger signs he loves you deeply secretly.
15. He consults you before making decisions
Does he include you in his decisions? When someone consults you before making decisions, it is one of the signs someone cares about you deeply. It shows that they respect your opinion and have faith in you.
16. He is protective
If you have been receiving signs he is protective of you, you can bet your top dollar that he cares about you deeply and has intense feelings for you. Men tend to be protective of the person they have feelings for. It could be something as small as ensuring no one upsets you to save you from deep trouble. During a discussion about how to know if a guy likes you, one of my friends said, “Once a man is invested in you, he’d want to take care of your emotional and physical well-being. If you observe him doing that, it is one of the signs he cares more than you think.”
17. He is proud of you
We celebrate people whom we love. If he hugs you and tells you, “you are amazing, you deserve this,” when you get a promotion or leave no stone unturned to celebrate your victory in a competition, then it is a sign he cares deeply about you and is more than a friend.
18. If he likes trying new things with you, it is a sign that he loves you secretly

Is he a homebody who suddenly agreed to go on an impromptu trip to the amusement park just because you are going to be there? Well, when men get out of their comfort zone and show interest in doing new things or indulging in activities you like, it is one of the signs someone cares about you deeply.
19. He lets you win
According to research by Harvard Kennedy School, men are extremely competitive. So, if you are wondering why he let you win the game of chess last night, it is one of the signs he cares more than you think. Letting you win in games or arguments is his way of expressing that you are more important than minor competitive ambitions.
20. He creates you playlists
After writing a love letter, the most romantic old-school gesture was to make a mixtape for your beloved. Though the romance of the era bygone has faded away, making a Spotify playlist is the modern equivalent of a mixtape. If your man has made you a playlist, it is a sign he cares deeply about you. Listen to the songs in the playlist carefully because the lyrics can have a hidden message.
21. He lets you have the last bite
Sharing the last meal with you may appear to be a small gesture or simply common courtesy, but it could be one of the indicators that he loves you. It is a fundamentally primal need to provide meals for loved ones.
Allowing you to have the last bite of shared food shows that he values your happiness over his own (which is a good sign in other departments too). Did he let you finish the last bite of his favorite cheesecake? Well, it could be one of the signs he loves you deeply secretly.
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22. He is always there for you
You never have to ponder over how to know he cares deeply if your man is there for you when you need him the most. Whether it means helping you when your car breaks down in the middle of the road or simply listening to you rant because you had a tough day at work, if you can trust him and rely on him, then these are signs he loves you deeply secretly. More than physical signs that he cares deeply about you, keep an eye out for how much you can rely on him to know how much he cares about you.
23. He makes eye contact
One of the physical signs he cares deeply about you is when the man tries to make eye contact with you. He is confident, he is sure and he wants you to see the love in his eyes.
24. He knows how you like your coffee
I can’t even remember my own coffee order at Starbucks, let alone remembering someone else’s. Did he know that you like your coffee black with no sugar and just a hint of cinnamon? Girl, it is a sign he cares deeply about you.
25. He cheers you up
The best signs someone cares about you deeply are when their presence can lift your spirits or when they can make you smile in any situation. If he manages to make you laugh and cheer you up even after you had the worst fight with your parents, he cares deeply about you.
26. He plays with your hair
You are out on a date. The two of you are sitting near a cozy fireplace on his couch and you catch him running his fingers through your hair. This is one of the physical signs he cares deeply about you. It is his way of showing affection without spooking you. If he gets up to get the popcorn in the middle of the movie or ensures that you get the bigger end of the blanket, it is a sign he cares deeply about you.
27. He notices your strengths
If your man recognizes qualities that even you didn’t know you had and helps you enhance your skills, he wants you to grow and sees potential in you. It is a sign he cares deeply about you.
28. He leaves you surprises
Men love surprising their women. Apart from birthdays and anniversaries, if he makes time to leave you little surprises like a flower in your bag or a box of chocolates on your desk, it is a sign he cares deeply about you.
29. He is nice to your family
When you are in a relationship, it is important to observe how the other person treats the people around him. Have you noticed him making extra efforts to please your family? Maybe it is a sign that he secretly loves you and wants your parents to approve of him.
Men and women have very different ways of communicating. While women are more expressive, men tend to be reserved about their emotions. He might not express directly but there are always signs he cares deeply about you which can help you overcome the dilemma of knowing whether the person reciprocates your feelings. Keep an eye out for these signs and maybe you will find that the love of your life has been right in front of your eyes all this time.
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