PHOENIX, July 8, 2022 (
The following is an open letter from the CSPOA:
The CSPOA strongly agrees with Kinney County, Texas Sheriff Coe, Sheriff Mark Lamb of Pinal County, Arizona, and Protect America Now (PAN), and other like-minded organizations, that securing our border is essential to our National Security and to the health and safety of American Citizens, not only in the border regions but throughout America.
We support Sheriff Coe’s efforts to step in and fill the gap left by overworked Border Patrol and ICE personnel, who are tied up elsewhere because of the open-border policies of the Biden Administration. As Fox News reported, when recently faced with apprehended illegal aliens and no Border Patrol personnel available to turn them over to, Sheriff Coe personally drove them to the border and sent them back.
According to Sheriff Coe, “We are under siege – being literally overrun – we are doing the best we can to hold on to what we have here in Kinney County, to protect our citizens and their property that is under an all-out assault.”
And in a press conference earlier this week, Sheriff Coe, along with several other sheriffs and other elected officials in the border area, including the mayor of Uvalde, Texas, laid out the solid case that the border crisis is causing so much damage to America and that more needs to be done. They called on Texas Governor Abbott to take further action and “request that the Governor of Texas, as Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State, declare the existence of an invasion on its border with Mexico and take necessary actions to preserve and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Texas …”
These courageous leaders, in solidarity with one another and with all Americans, spoke forcefully about the abject failure of President Joe Biden’s administration, including Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, to fulfill their Constitutional duties to control our southern border and solve this crisis. They further request the Governor of Texas “act under the constitutional authority granted him … and immediately prevent and/or remove all persons invading the sovereignty of Texas and that of the United States …”
CSPOA and our member sheriffs on or near the border applaud these elected leaders and are working with them to put pressure on a neglectful federal government to step up to the plate and do their duty. It is the opinion of the CSPOA that their failure to do so amounts to impeachable offenses.
Contact Information
Phone: Sheriff Richard Mack: (928) 432-1879
Phone: Sam Bushman: (801) 756-9133
Source: CSPOA