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“She Brought It Upon Herself”: Man Considers Divorce After Wife’s Plastic Surgery


Marriages are full of ups and downs. The key is to communicate openly, support each other through the rough patches, and never lose sight of the love that brought you together in the first place.

However, Redditor Throwaway47292693 believes that the spark between him and his wife is gone. In a post on the subreddit r/AITAH, he admitted that he’s already thinking about divorce.

So he wanted to hear what the members of the online community thought about it because the thing that pushed him to the edge was quite unusual.

This man said that his wife got a breast reduction surgery without involving him

Image credit: Alex Green/Pexels (not the actual photo)

And he feels that their marriage will never be the same again

Image credit: Jack Sparrow/Pexels (not the actual photo)


Image credit: Liza Summer/Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credit: Budgeron Bach/Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credit: Alex Green/Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Throwaway47292693

Usually, people get together with someone due to a combination of reasons

Of course, we cannot be certain why the author of the post chose to marry that particular woman. But Julie Beck at The Atlantic reported on a paper, published in Social Science Research, that could give us an idea.

Researchers followed 9,000 young people in middle and high school for 15 years, ending the study when the participants were between 24 and 34. What they discovered was that being a rock star on one trait doesn’t necessarily help you mate, but having a good combo might.

“The only statistically significant interaction was that men with an above average attractive personality were more likely to get married,” Beck explained. “Taking each of the factors individually, no other significant trends emerged.”

“But … three factors in aggregate [looks, personality, and grooming] were linked to [the] likelihood of marriage. Someone who scored more highly on the index overall was more likely to walk down the aisle.”

So the parts where the author of the post confesses that he has a type but the fact that his wife makes the cut isn’t the only reason why he married her might have some truth to them. But again, how much? We don’t know.

Sadly, when it comes to divorce, a lack of intimacy (31%) is a common element.

As people criticized the man, he started replying to their comments

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