Dating & Love
Sexual Market Value | Everything You Need To Know (2021)
00:35 What is your sexual market value? 03:08 Your sexual marketplace 04:47 Getting the most from your current sexual market value 06:17 How to increase your sexual market value
In this article, I will teach you about your sexual market value. This is the single most important element to your dating life it’s going to affect all of your life decisions if you’re single and it’s also going to make you higher status as a man this concept this idea is massive so make sure you pay attention give me a thumbs up if you like the video and what i’m going to do is just to go through the biggest questions that i get asked about your sexual market value so first question what is your sexual market value this is the value that you have in the marketplace that you’re in when it comes to dating women so for example if you have 100 followers on instagram your sexual marketplace is instagram the chances are you’re not going to get much success online let’s say for an another example that you live in a country where there are three times as many women than men your sexual market value goes up because there’s more opportunities now there’s a few things that we have to take into account and online there is evidence to suggest these aren’t facts these are just what i found doing my research so don’t hold me accountable this is just what’s accepted online is that a man hits his peak sexual market value at 36 years old whereas a woman tends to hit hers at 23 years old now as i say don’t hold me accountable for those statistics the reason or the believed reason for this is because it takes that long for a man to accrue status in the world where he’s in physically good condition financially successful whereas a woman at that age is at her peak age to be able to have children and to attract her highest possible value male now i did a video yesterday on hypergamy if you don’t know what it is go back and watch yesterday’s video because it will help you to understand what i’m speaking about today so your sexual market value is the value that you have in the marketplace that you’re in so let’s say for example that you live in the middle of nowhere right and you meet one girl a week or a month that you might find attractive your sexual marketplace is not going to suit you and what i’m going to do in this video is to give you some ideas and some tips on how to increase your market value right away and also what you can do moving forward with your life just a note on this like your sexual market value isn’t just related to meeting women it’s directly really directly related to your ability to make impact in the world as a man as a human being and as a powerful entity in your life so if you increase your sexual market value you will find that you create more friends you’re living in better areas you’ve just got more options in every area of your life things will come to you a lot easier because you’re perceived or you are or you have become a lot higher value this is massive
what is your sexual market value or your sexual marketplace value so following on from just the last question that i answered things you need to need to take into account right first of all how old are you because that’s important right because your age is going to be a big distinction on what your value is and where you’re living at this point in time so the quickest and easiest thing that you can do to increase your market value is to move somewhere where there’s more opportunities to meet the women that you find attractive just by the law of averages if you can speak to 30 women a day that you find attractive your sexual marketplace has increased tremendously now what i would say is when you go to major cities the marketplace does get a bit stronger because you’re competing with other guys that have got high um that have a high sexual value in that marketplace however you’re going to get more opportunities so the first thing that you can do is to move somewhere where there’s more women that you find attractive this may not even be in the same country by the way you might want to move across the world you might want to move to a different city here find out where your highest sexual market value is for the women that you like and then consider moving because in my experience a man’s value to women is directly directly related to how he feels his self-esteem if he’s got girls hitting on him all the time he’s going to be very confident he’s going to have options and he’s going to be able to leave his dating life to take care of itself whilst he works on other areas of his life this is a big one how do you get the most from your current sexual market value so the best way to do that is to look at where you are right now and to think who am i attractive to today so for example say you’re a 55 year old guy and you’re ultra successful who are you most likely to be able to attract do you want to have kids do you not want to have kids if you don’t want to have kids then women in their late 30s is probably going to be the right market for you and your value to women that don’t want to have children is going to be a lot higher than obviously women that do so what you can do literally write down on a piece of paper what is my sexual value right sexual market value you want to write your age you want to write where you live you want to write the type of women that you find attractive you want to write your current physical condition how successful you’ve been in your life these are all going to give you clues into what you can do right now today to increase it but as i’ve said earlier the best thing that you can do is to move somewhere where there are more opportunities and you may think that’s a bit extreme but what else are you doing you’re going to spend your life meeting one girl a week why not put yourself in a situation where you can meet a lot and if you don’t know where start traveling start going to new places see where your value lies and then consider working online or moving to that city loads of my clients have done this in the past it makes a massive impact your mental well-being now the most important one we got on to the most important question today how to increase your sexual market value this is a huge question and i’m going to give you some very specific advice if you want to increase your sexual market value number one is to get physically bigger and stronger this means committing to the gym putting on muscle and getting big amateur bodybuilders tend to do remarkably well with women because they’re in good physical condition and your first impression you make with women is massive so the first thing is working out now you can do running and other stuff like that if you want to lose weight however moving forward you need to be looking at putting on physical size if you want to increase your sexual market value because this is instinctively attractive you’re taking up more space you’re showing that you can stick to targets and goals you become more confident in your demeanor and your body language so certainly working out at the gym to get big is huge the second thing you can do is to become more successful in your life you know when i spoke about hyper gamma yesterday this is essentially women dating up the more successful that you become in your life the less likely you have to try as hard so if you’re a 35 year old guy that’s really successful he’s embarrassed or he’s a lawyer’s top accountant you have to work less hard than someone who’s 35 that hasn’t really worked that hard at his career so moving in to a mindset of creating success in your life is going to be huge there’s a few things on this right to become successful in life there’s a mindset that you need you need to take action sooner which means not waiting it means you want to do something you do it now and it means committing 10 times more energy than you think you’re going to need okay when i host my dating conference courses in central london by the way i’m hosting some this afternoon friday and saturday what i do is i teach my clients to take action quicker in approaching women during the day this helps them to create a successful mindset this mindset can then be taken to all areas of their life so you become more successful in dating in mating in work in family everything because you’re someone that takes action commits and learns quickly and if you don’t know how to handle rejection i’ve done loads of videos on this as well handling rejection is just part of the success mindset okay it’s a new problem new problems are good you’d rather go out today speak to 30 women you like and get rejected 15 times you’ve got a new problem haven’t you as opposed to what sitting at home doing nothing so taking action and increasing your sexual market value you have you have to take action you have to take action to work to become more successful to have more financial power to invest in more things to get physically bigger and stronger to read more books to expand your mind intelligence is another one if you can read more books know more things be smarter be more intelligent that’s also something that is massive and it’s attractive and it adds to your sexual market value i want to talk about creativity as well because creativity is highly alluring to women right artists musicians the problem with this is that a lot of people nowadays are almost everyone nowadays with instagram and social media has a creative part to them so it’s not enough just to be creative it used to be but it’s not anymore what you need to do is take that creative mindset and you need to use the success mindset do not be someone that says oh it’d be nice if i could just be a musician for a living it’d be nice if i could just have a podcast for a living no you want to be the most successful person in the world at what you do end of don’t set your standards too low as soon as you go i want to be the best at what i want to do and you believe it you begin to feel it your energy starts pushing you towards it this is where you’re going to see very remarkable changes very very quickly in your life do not settle set the bar as high as you possibly can now before i finish this video i need to talk to you about my dating confidence courses so what i want to do is just put this down i need to talk to you about my dating confidence courses right if you’re watching this video and you’ve been watching my content and you would like to get better results in your dating life then you will find a consultation call in the link below this video book a call with me what are you waiting for yesterday i spoke to a 25 year old guy who’s in a relationship that he doesn’t like he’s living with a girl he spoke to me we are taking it or he is taking the initial steps to break up with her because he’s not happy she’s holding him back he wants to move on with his life he spoke to me he’s going to take the initial steps then we’re going to work together i’m going to take him out show him how to meet more people show him how to overcome rejection if you are watching this and you need to change your life what are you waiting for what three months time six months time the mindset is to take action today and to commit to it that’s what what’s led me to be a 19 year old emotional wreck after a ruined sports career after a car accident to the person you’re seeing here today creating unbelievable content hosting courses as much as i possibly can helping as many people as i can okay it’s a value giving lifestyle this is something that i can help you do right away if you like this video please give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and turn notifications on this channel this year is already exploding and it’s going to continue to explode any questions you’ve got put them in the comment section below and i’ll be happy to help
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