Today is March 1, and is the first day of meteorological spring, which is based on annual temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar. March 21 is the “official” first day of spring. But, when it gets to the end of winter, I like to consider March 1 as spring.
I love the spring! March and April usually give us a few lovely days to tease us with the wonders yet to come in the summer. The weather might not be perfect, but it’s usually nice enough to take down some of the weather proofing and open a window for a little while and let in some fresh air. There will be a nice afternoon that’s warm enough to enjoy a walk along the waterfront without layers of heavy clothing protecting us from the wind off the water. We’ll start to see crocus and daffodil popping up.
Many of our senior friends aren’t able to get out much in the winter. It might be because of health issues and the cold. Or, it might be because of icy conditions and fear of falling. The arrival of spring allows the world to reopen beyond the confines of what might seem like a shrinking house or apartment. If you find yourself going out to enjoy an unusually warm, spring-like afternoon, consider calling a senior friend or family member and asking them to join you.
There are many ways a senior can enjoy early spring. If they are able to walk any distance, a walk along the waterfront, at one of the North Shore parks or on one of our beautiful beaches might be just what they need. Make sure to bring along a coat, hat and gloves —just in case it’s not as warm as you thought it would be. And, don’t forget the sunscreen! The sun might not be strong like in July, but it will still burn.
Take a stroll and visit the local gift shops, antique dealers, and galleries. Spring is a great time to appreciate the charm of local businesses without the difficulties of summertime traffic and parking.
A drive around Cape Ann and the North Shore is a great way to enjoy the spring. Driving through the various wooded areas — looking for the pale green of early spring leaves — or along the rocky coastline is wonderful. Stopping for an ice cream cone or a cup of coffee at your favorite café makes a drive even better.
Gardening may be one of the best spring activities. If you don’t have a yard in which to dig, contact one of the local gardening groups, who need volunteers to continue the wonderful work they do. There also are several neighborhood group gardens. Your local Council on Aging may be able to connect you to a neighborhood garden.
If you are one of the many people who have to be careful to avoid spring allergens, there are fun ways to celebrate the return of warmth.
Many of our local schools offer a spring theater production. The younger students’ shows are fun and charming. The older students put on a great show. It’s amazing to see what they accomplish. Admission to school shows is usually inexpensive and worth every penny.
If you enjoy museums, call your local library to see if they have discount coupons for area museums.
March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. Let’s all get out and enjoy the spring!
Tracy Arabian is the communications officer at SeniorCare Inc., a local agency on aging that serves Gloucester, Beverly, Essex, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Rockport, Topsfield and Wenham.