Pop Culture
Send Your Prayers to My Wallet for These “Monica Rambeau Photon #1” Variants

Ironheart writer and The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer contributor Eve L. Ewing is back at Marvel and heading a new limited series entitled Monica Rambeau: Photon. Don’t get me wrong, the main cover for issue one (above) by Brazilian artist Lucas Werneck is absolutely stunning and set the bar very freaking high. Between him and Ewing, my order is in, okay. However, now I have to call my local comic book store and ask about holds on a variant or two because look at these!

These artists include (top left, clockwise) Peach Momoko, Mateus Manhanini (the same artist behind this image), Brian Stelfreeze, and Karen Darboe. While playing on their own strengths as artists, each one of them balanced the cosmic elements with Rambeau’s New Orleans roots. Because there’s not much known about the story due to Photon’s less-than-stellar (to put it very likely) treatment in the comics, it’s hard to predict where this will go.
However, with an overlap release with The Marvels near the end of the release, I’m hoping for an independent story that can more firmly establish Monica in Marvel comics for the long term. Especailly considering the mixed emotions I have about Monica and the other Marvels. Between Ewing’s handling of Champions (which I loved), Ms. Marvel, and Riri Williams, I believe she can do it.
The first issue (a.k.a. all of these covers) of this limited series releases December 14, so put in your orders at your local comic shop to ensure there’s a copy ready for you to pick up this winter!
(featured image: Marvel)
Here are some other bits of news out there:
- Writer and scholar Ta-Nehisi Coates hosting the official Black Panther podcast with guests that include Ryan Coogler, Kevin Feige, Angela Bassett, and more. (via Marvel)
- Julia Powell of Julie & Julia blog, book, and then movie passes away. (via The NYT)
- We did it, Joe. Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey is now getting a theatrical release and a sequel. (via THR)
- Academy Award-winning actress and best Taylor Swift cover artist Lupita Nyong’o starring in A Quiet Place prequel entitled Day One. (via SyFy)
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Alyssa Shotwell
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