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Senate Overcomes Tommy Tuberville Blockade To Confirm New Army Chief Of Staff


The Senate overcame a blockade of military promotions by Sen. Tommy Tuberville to unanimously confirm a new Army Chief of Staff.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tweeted:

Schumer said on Wednesday before the vote, “Senator Tuberville’s continued abuse of his privilege will continue to disrupt the lives of hundreds of our nation’s finest and most dedicated military officers and their families. And while we Democrats didn’t choose this fight, we are ready to put an end to this sooner rather than later.”

Sen. Tuberville has holds on over 300 military promotions. Schumer has gotten one promotion confirmed, with two more scheduled for today.

By having to do these confirmations one at a time, Sen. Tuberville (R-AL) has bogged down the process to the point where doing all 300 this way would take months, but Democrats in the Senate aren’t allowing one grandstanding senator to jeopardize national security any longer.

The confirmations are happening, and maybe the mounting pressure will break Tommy Tuberville and his un-American blockade.


Jason Easley

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