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Self-care vision board – An easy step by step “How to” guide and ideas


Are you interested in creating a self-care vision board? Are you struggling to know where to start with your self-care and wellness journey? A self-care vision board is where I started, and it truly is a fantastic tool that I use every day.

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Whether you are at the beginning of your self-care journey or you have been manifesting self-love for a while now and just need a little bit of guidance, self-care vision boards are an excellent way to really help you to focus your mind.

What is a self-care vision board?

A self-care vision board is a visual display and is usually a collection of pictures and words that mirror ideas for activities to promote your self-care. Self-care activities are those things that you do to take care of your mental, emotional and physical health.

For example, for emotional self-care you could stop being harsh on yourself and constantly criticising. Instead, let yourself make mistakes. It’s ok!

For physical self-care you could go for a walk or drink more water.

What does a self-care vision board do? What is its purpose?

A self-care vision board in simple terms is used as a visual reminder of a daily need to take time to focus on yourself. It gives you instant ideas of activities that you can do throughout your day to give yourself that much needed positive boost. By putting a collection of visual ideas together in one place it makes it nice and easy for you to very quickly come up with something that can benefit you. You won’t need to struggle and spend hours trying to think of something to do that will help you maintain your emotional, physical and mental wellness.

What should a vision board include?

Your vision board should include a collection of positive and meaningful pictures, declarations, words, or anything else that interests, inspires, and encourage you. The images signify your targets and things you want to work on in your life. You should try to collect a good number of items to link to each area of your wellbeing; mental, physical and emotional. Focus on areas such as sleep and relaxation, movement and nutrition, social connections, mood boosters and goal setting and accomplishment.

A vision board is also a working document so feel free to add things as they come to mind or remove them if they are not inspiring you. There really is no right or wrong content for a vision board. It is a personal creation, and you should put it together in whichever way you want. At the end of the day, it is your board, your tool.

Your ideas can be collected from newspapers, magazines or even online.

Here is a picture of my board to give you an idea of what it could look like:

self-care vision board

How do you make a self-care vision board? – 5 easy steps

Step 1 – Brainstorm self-care activity ideas

Think of a collection of as many self-care activities as you can. Be daring and imaginative and really allow yourself to be open to different and exciting activities. Only include ideas that you would truly find enjoyable and that match your way of life and your beliefs. Here are some examples for you:

Emotional self-care

  • Try saying “no” now and then
  • Praise yourself for finishing small tasks
  • Use online lessons to learn a new skill
  • Create a relaxing evening practice for yourself
  • Experiment with some mindful exercises to help bring you into the present moment

Physical self-care

  • Have a go at some stretching exercises
  • Eat more green vegetables
  • Get a therapeutic massage
  • Go outside and sit in the sun for 10 minutes
  • Get to bed at an earlier time

Social self-care

  • Avoid people who make you uncomfortable
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Call a member of your family and have a catch up
  • Reconnect with a friend you’ve not seen in a while
  • Go on a road trip with a family member or friend

Spiritual self-care

  • Set aside time for meditation each day
  • Do something lovely for somebody in secret
  • Give some money or items to charity
  • Help someone with something
  • Find an occasion to use your strengths more often

Step 2 – Collect some pictures for your vision board

Find encouraging images that relate to the self-care activities you chose in step 1. Choose images that you can relate to and that inspire you. You can use the Internet, magazines and new papers or even photographs as possible resources. Use pictures of activities that you can do that will help you to take better care of yourself.

Step 3 – Collect words for your vision board

You can either keep your vision board entirely visual or you can add words and expressions to it. The words you choose should correspond with self-care activities you came up with in the brainstorming session. Try cutting words out of a magazine or you can easily print them off the Internet. Pick words and styles that you are drawn and give you a positive feeling. Remember this board should be aesthetically pleasing for you.

Step 4 – Now put your vision board together

Once you have got a good quantity of bits to put on your board you can start to get creative with your design. Using scissors, sticky tape and glue start compiling your board.

Step 5 – Find the perfect location for your board

Find a secure place to put your vision board so that you can easily see it on a daily basis. You might like to put it in an area where the whole family can enjoy it or you may want to keep it more private,  so put it somewhere where only you will see it, for example in your bedroom.

Throughout this process, please remember this is meant to be a fun exercise. Don’t take it too seriously and don’t overthink it. Your best results will come if you just follow your instincts and choose images and words that have an immediate impact on you.

If you have any questions please feel to drop me a message and I will be more than happy to help. enjoy creating!


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