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Season 6 Podcast: Family Resilience in Tough Times


Every family goes through ups and downs, but sometimes the tough times can feel especially difficult to guide our children through. As parents, we might feel completely overwhelmed, inadequate, or just unsure of how to help our child while we might be struggling too. These episodes discuss skills and strategies parents can use to help raise resilient kids, even when going through a tough time.

In the sixth season of the podcast, our cohosts, Lori and Mackenzie, explore research and reality on family resilience – for our kids, ourselves, and our whole families. On this page, you’ll find an outline of the season’s content and a brief description of each episode.

S6: Ep. 1 – Resilience in Tough Times
Even through tough times, parents and kids can grow their skills and strengths to end up “bouncing forward”.  Explore the concept of resilience and how we can raise kids with this important trait.

S6: Ep. 2 – Risk and Protective Factors
Research says that certain characteristics can help kids and parents be more resilient. Learn what those qualities are and how you can help your whole family get through tough times!

S6: Ep. 3 – Leaning Into Relationships
When things get tough, relationships can too. Luckily there are research-based strategies to help strengthen and preserve these connections!

S6: Ep. 4 – Utilizing Rituals and Routines
When everything around us feels chaotic, there are a few tasks we can utilize to helps us find some consistency and connectedness. Come hear how rituals and routines can help families find a sense of normalcy!

S6: Ep. 5 – Renegotiating Rules
As our circumstances morph and change, so can our rules and expectations. The cohosts offer some tips for finding the balance between flexibility and consistency with rules during tough times!

S6: Ep. 6 – How to Repair
When family stress is high, patience can run low. Reconnecting and repairing with our children after we’ve lost our cool is essential. Hear a four-step process for repairing in this week’s episode.

S6: Ep. 7 – Reflecting for Resilience
This week the cohosts reflect on what it was like parenting through the pandemic – both research and reality. Take a moment to listen, relate, and reflect on your own experiences through tough times in this episode.

Remember you can listen to these episodes (and others) on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app! You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter @scienceofparent. Or send us an email with a specific parenting question:

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Mackenzie Johnson

Parent to a little one with her own quirks. Celebrator of the concept of raising kids “from scratch”. Learner and lover of the parent-child relationship. Translator of research with a dose of reality. Certified Family Life Educator.

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Mackenzie Johnson

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