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Season 4 Podcast: The Parent Job Description


We all have common responsibilities in caring for our children, but what exactly are those jobs? Regardless of your child’s age or your family values, we can utilize the RPM3 research-based parenting model to learn key tasks of effective parenting! These episodes dig into those key tasks and share practical ideas to practice them in your daily life with kids.

In the fourth season of the podcast, our cohosts, Lori and Mackenzie, explore the research and reality around five essential parenting tasks. On this page, you’ll find an outline of the season’s content and a brief description of each episode.

S4: Ep. 1Parent Self-Talk: Beyond Good and Bad
Self-talk is one of the most important conversations parents can have. Set yourself up for success with strategies to reframe your inner self-talk that sets the tone for how you respond or react to your children (and the entire family)!

S4: Ep. 2 React vs Respond
Do you react with your gut or respond with your brain? Use some of our strategies to help you slow down in challenging moments and respond with intention to your children.

S4: Ep. 3 Protect and Prevent
By anticipating what’s coming, parents and caregivers can help prevent problems and risky behaviors.

S4: Ep. 4 Monitoring: Keeping Tabs
Monitoring children is not about being in total control. It is a way to guide and communicate reasonable limits and expectations.

S4: Ep. 5 Mentoring: Setting the Stage
Growing and developing is hard work! Mentoring kids along the way helps them learn about desired expectations and behaviors so they can reach their full potential.

S4: Ep. 6 Modeling: Actions Speak Louder
Children learn as much, if not more from your actions as they do from your words. Our parenting pros discuss how modeling with our own words and actions can show children about desired behaviors.


Remember you can listen to these episodes (and others) on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app! You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter @scienceofparent. Or send us an email with a specific parenting question:

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Mackenzie Johnson

Parent to a little one with her own quirks. Celebrator of the concept of raising kids “from scratch”. Learner and lover of the parent-child relationship. Translator of research with a dose of reality. Certified Family Life Educator.

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Mackenzie Johnson

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