Family & Parenting
Season 11 Podcast: Teaching Kids About Money
In the eleventh season of the podcast, our cohosts, Mackenzie Johnson and Dr. Suzanne Bartholomae, explore research and reality on all things kids and money. On this page, you’ll find an outline of the season’s content and a brief description of each episode.
S11: Ep. 1 – Financial Parenting
Did you know you are practicing “financial socialization” of your children – whether intentionally or unintentionally? In the season eleven open, Mackenzie and this season’s guest cohost, Dr. Suzanne Bartholomae, introduce the topics of how we teach our kids about money and related concepts.
S11: Ep. 2 – What Influences Our Finances?
A lot of different factors influence our financial well-being – from individual traits, to how a decision is presented to you, and even society! Listen in as the cohosts share a model for understanding these influences and even talk about some things that influence their financial practices and money habits.
S11: Ep. 3 – What is the Goal? Financial Well-being
Sometimes we aren’t sure exactly what “financial well-being” even looks like for our children (or ourselves). In this episode, the cohosts look at what the research tells us about this term, and what we can do now with our kids to help them have financial well-being in the future.
S11: Ep. 4 – Teaching Children about Money
What does my preschooler even understand about money? What about my elementary-age child? Get these answers AND practical strategies to start talking with them about money concepts in today’s episode.
S11: Ep. 5 – Teaching Teens about Money
The teen years can be a prime time for our kids to learn about and practice managing their own money and to experience financial tasks with the help of their parents. Listen in for ideas on how to support your teen in building healthy money habits and other areas you can help them build skills for the future!
S11: Ep. 6 – Teaching Emerging and Young Adults about Money
Sometimes our young adult children rely on their parents to be “an adultier adult” when it comes to finances. This episode explores how this life stage has changed in recent decades and how parents can balance being supportive with encouraging independence during this transitional time!
S11: Ep. 7 – Raising Responsible Consumers
Whether online shopping, utilizing a product, or viewing an advertisement – we are consumers and so are our children. Listen to the season finale to hear about how we can help raise kids to be informed and intentional consumers!
Remember you can listen to these episodes (and others) on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app! You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter @scienceofparent. Or send us an email with a specific parenting question:
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Mackenzie Johnson
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