If you were a regular Fox News viewer, you would know that whenever anything unpleasant happens to a Republican, it is always Some Black Guy’s Fault. Via Acyn on X, the site formerly known as Twitter:


HANNITY: Of course, like all Democrats, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is trying to capitalize politically on this turmoil. Jeffries, along with “Squad” member AOC [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and others, they are now targeting the 20 Republicans that voted against Jordan today, and they are encouraging them to give up the majority and let Jeffries actually take the gavel.

First of all, kudos to the Hannity intern who had to find and cut together every still image of Hakeem Jeffries that the network had access to in order to create that montage of “Black guy points his finger in opposition to mediocre Hannity-promoted white savior.” But yes, what Sean is describing here is generally known as Doing Politics. If Jeffries can make a better case for Republican votes than seditious conspirator and alleged athlete-molestation-enabler Jim Jordan can, then that says just as much about Jordan’s loathsomeness as it does about Jeffries’ political skills.

Jeffries almost certainly won’t be speaker, though. Our history books already have some extremely important examples of conservatives preferring to give power to white guys, even ones who try to overthrow the republic, rather than give it to a Black guy. More to the point, the current crop of so-called Republican moderates are spineless bags of meat who can’t even bring themselves to full-throatedly condemn either attempted coups or the 91 charges against Donald Trump—because they’re quite certain the Republican base likes those things—and anyone who thinks there might still be a few Liz Cheney figures still lurking in the Republican caucus, waiting to suddenly spring some latent morality on us, just hasn’t been paying attention.

Curiously, Hannity saw fit to turn the spotlight on Jeffries (and “’Squad’ member AOC”) after the 20 Republicans who voted against Jordan on Tuesday were targeted with the kind of threats that generally follow when Jordan or other top Republicans identify supposed traitors in their midst. And yes, that’s the word that Hannity’s guests have been tossing around: “traitors.”

Hannity is in a tough spot. Jordan is obviously the candidate that Trump wants to be speaker—largely  due to Jordan’s consistent efforts over the years to support and cover up alleged crimes committed by Trump or on Trump’s behalf—but Jordan remains mostly incompetent at doing anything except sabotage. His efforts to bully fellow House Republicans into voting for him have backfired spectacularly so far. So Hannity is mostly muddling his way through the news cycle, looking like he’d rather be somewhere else.

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Public feud erupts as Jim Jordan’s speaker bid crumbles

Jordan is trying to bully his way to becoming speaker

If Speaker Jordan happens, Democrats are ready to make it a major 2024 election issue


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