Sarah Ferguson Surprises With Royal Christmas Appearance
The biggest surprise of the day was the appearance of Sarah Ferguson, who was married to Prince Andrew from 1986-1996. Ferguson hasn’t attended the Christmas service with the family since 1991, the Telegraph reports, a year before the couple separated. That year, she walked in on the heels of Princess Diana and a very young Prince Harry.
This was also the second year that Andrew had rejoined the family for services, after an absence that royal watchers link to the allegations of sex abuse against Charles’s younger brother, claims Andrew legally settled last year. According to Robert Hardman, a journalist on the royal beat, Fergie’s appearance Monday had less to do with Andrew’s legal troubles and more to do with an attempt by Charles to mend fences.
“Fergie was out in the cold, if you like, really ever since the breakdown of her marriage back in the mid-90s. And there she was yesterday,” Hardman said. “The king is very fond of his nieces, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. This is a way of showing that.”
Eve Batey
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