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Sales of the Tesla Motors police cars are hitting astronomical proportions


International Inquirer reporter Paco Tabasco, who is a close friend of gazillionaire Elon Musk, owner of Tesla Motors, reports that sales of the brand new Tesla Police Car are hitting astronomical proportions.

The new law enforcement vehicle is outselling Musk’s other transportation creations including the Tesla dump truck, the Tesla cruise ship, the Tesla fighter jet, the Tesla cement truck, the Tesla 18-wheeler, and even the Tesla submarine.

Tabasco has stated that the cities of Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Walla Walla have all decided to switch over from their regular police cars to the new Tesla police cars.

A spokesperson for Tesla noted that the new Musk cars can travel at speeds of up to 190 miles per hour, they have a hood mounted AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, and they can travel for up to 800 miles on a single tank of gas.

The sheriff of Oxnard, California recently said that his police department will be replacing their police vehicles with the Teslas and he grinned as he said that the criminal element will soon be shit-out-of-luck, as they say in Vegas.


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