Self Help
Roshan Beats His Fear To Express And Emerged Stronger Through Counseling – YourDOST Blog
Roshan is a 30-years-old, and was born and brought up in Mumbai. He had a pretty good childhood and was loved by all his family members. He was able to avail counseling services as she was a student at IISER Tirupathi and is pursuing his PhD in Physics.
Other than his academics, he also enjoys Cycling, Trekking and Sketching.
He had a normal upbringing like any other person and grew up in the comfort of his family and friends. Roshan spoke of how he moved cities for my college, and there were issues adjusting to the environment and needed guidance.
“Everything was going in a smooth flow till I moved out of my house. By the time I was in college I had started to develop some turbulence in my adjusting to the change that also affected my social life.”

As he entered his college days, he saw his friends swaying away from him. His friends had moved into different circles and he felt a sense of being judged although he didn’t understand why.
Soon, Roshan was getting affected by all these ups and downs negatively. Overall, every little happening around him took a toll on his mental health as a result of a lack of emotional support. But he wasn’t was the person who would give up that easily, so he took the opportunity to seek counseling provided by his college to seek help.
It was around this time he came across YourDOST, as his college had a subscription with the organisations as their mental health partner.
“I booked my first sessions with Ms. Shreyaa. She had a good listening skill, and was patient with everything I had to say. There were suggestions she presented me with to help me feel better.”
Shreyaa recognised his problems thoroughly and went forward to provide him with suitable solutions for the same. Firstly, he was oriented to the wheel of emotions, and it helped him identify his primary and complex emotions.
Roshan narrated that by labelling the emotion helped him understand and navigate through the problem.
Pomodoro technique, box breathing, and journaling were a few other techniques.

Pomodoro technique is a practice of allotting a fixed time in intervals where a particular task had to be completed followed by small breaks in between. Soon, Roshan saw a major comeback regarding his overall performance as well as his mental health.
“Shreyaa showed me the way to focus on the positive side of everything. My focus levels improved drastically and so did my academic performance.”
Roshan was no longer holding himself back from asking his doubts on the spot and his academic stress declined majorly. He considered her as a saviour sent from heaven for him. Overall emotional well-being was positive, and he was able to focus in class better.
He rates his overall progress through counseling with a solid 4 out of 5. Academic stress can be a huge problem for some people but he didn’t let it overpower him.
We, at YourDOST, feel deeply satisfied to be able to be a part of Roshan amazing journey and wish him luck!
Aakarshit’s Warrior Tips:
1.“The more you talk and express yourself, the more solutions you will find.”
2.“Everyone will face some issues mentally, but it is necessary to get introspected. ”
3.“Neglect the stigma that counseling is only for psychos, but it is for anyone and everyone. Therapy helps you have clarity in your thoughts and stay rational.”
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