Tampa Bay, Florida Local News
Rose Dynasty Center opens in Polk to provide services for the LGBTQ+ community
POLK COUNTY, Fla. — A new LGBTQ+ focused space is now open in Polk County called the Rose Dynasty Center.
The new center is located at 1253 West Memorial Blvd., Lakeland. In addition to health services, the facility will regularly host support groups and offer various activities. It’s a joint effort between the Rose Dynasty Foundation and Pineapple Healthcare, an Orlando-based organization.
President and CEO Ethan Suarez says it’s the organization’s farthest expansion, yet he says, “We have some patient population there in Polk County. Let’s open a satellite office in Polk County to provide services, because we also looked at the market and saw that there was not a lot of services available for people living with HIV or needed prevention services.”
Founder of the center Jason Deshazo loves expressing himself through drag.
“I toiled with it off and on for many years, and when I really wanted to get into it, I just felt like my character was something different,” Deshazo says.
But when the makeup’s on, he’s Mama Ashley Rose, a drag queen since 2000. Being a part of the drag community is Deshazo’s form of self-expression.
He says being himself wasn’t always acceptable.
“At that time, I had come out, and it was dangerous and I remember I would come into Lakeland and go to downtown, go to comic shops and we would never have like held hands,” he said.
With the help of his husband, Deshazo says they’re working to make a positive impact on the community.
Deshazo said they’ve helped raise almost a million dollars for LGBTQ+ charities, animal charities and food banks.
“When people look at drag and they think we’re just here to dress like men and women and dance around, when ultimately we’re here just to help the community, just to help other people,” he said.
It’s that sense of community that led Deshazo to open the Rose Dynasty Center which he says is the first of its kind in Polk County — an LGBTQ+ focused safe space offering numerous services under one roof.
“We’re going to be providing mental health. We’re going to be providing HIV and STD testing, primary care, support groups, breakout sessions, events, so much can happen in this space.”
Deshazo said it’s been a long time coming. He believes spaces like this are needed, calling it a game changer.
Now it’s about getting the word out. Mama Ashley Rose typically has a lot to say during her “Monday motivational” videos she records with an inspiring message.
“I think it’s important just to spread a little love and acceptance.”
As Deshazo expresses himself through drag, he hopes this safe space can transform the lives of others, saying this center is just the beginning.
The center will also be adding a banned book section within its center.
Lizbeth Gutierrez
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