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Ron Gets Hypnotized By An Anaconda


Ronnie DontSayIt (or however you spell it) has come out of the closet!

He was locked in when the janitor left for the night, and he did some long hard thinking until the sun came up.

Why doesn’t Ron like transexual people? Why the vocal hatred? Not even smiling uncomfortably and pretending to be nice? Why, Ron, why?

“I’ve seen ‘em and I don’t like ‘em ‘cuz they’s got bigger cocks than me!”

Maybe Ron said that, maybe not, but no one wants to get killed in Florida, the place where people go to die in weird ways.

But if the average tranny’s cock is bigger than Ron’s, will that mean he’ll be wanting surgery to change how he looks and feels in his own body?

“Surgery to make my dick bigger – hell ya, that’s fine, kids can get that done as young as three, for all I care – ain’t girls in Brazil getting boob jobs at ten years old? Which way’s Brazil and are there any Cubans or Mexicans there? Cuz I don’t like them neither.”

Ron rambled on in a prejudiced manner about how unprejudiced he is, and then a tranny approached him.

Seven feet tall, wearing a blue and red glittering nightclub gown, false eyelashes, and a tiara. 42DD – I’m not even kidding! She pulled out a “small” anaconda from beneath her gown and asked Ron, “Wanna be my bitch tonight, Big Daddy?”

As this reporter was ushered out of the press room by the senator’s well-armed staff, Ron was slowly getting down on his knees, hypnotized by the “snake”, swaying back and forth, saying “Surgery is good … good … gooooooooooooood …”


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