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Rina’s Story of Healing with Therapy – YourDOST Blog


In the movie Harry Potter, even the bravest wizard or witch sometimes needed a helping hand. Harry had Dumbledore, Hermione had her books, and Ron had his family. Similarly, in our lives, when we face overwhelming challenges and the weight of our spiralling thoughts, looking for help and support can make all the difference.

Meet Rina, a 34-year-old who recently completed her PhD from NIT Rourkela. She dreams of becoming a teacher one day.

Rina’s childhood was filled with joy and happiness as she was the only child of her parents. She shared a special bond with her mother and her father. However, he passed away when Rina was just two and a half years old.

“My mother was my best friend, a guide, and my inspiration. My father was a very noble person, and from both of them, I learned about love, truthfulness, and empathy.”

Rina was surrounded by her grandparents, cousins, and friends while growing up which made her childhood a happy one. Her hobbies include listening to music, reading books, and painting and these activities provide solace and a creative outlet to her.

Rina heard about YourDOST from her institute, which partners with the organisation as their official mental health partner. Finding the right path towards healing wasn’t easy for her, as she took a while to finalise a counsellor.

“It took four to five counsellors before I found the one who truly understood my problems. However, everyone was very cooperative and tried to help as much as they could.”

Rina had been struggling with mental health issues for a long time but didn’t recognise what she was experiencing. Gradually, anxiety and fear got the best of her, leading to overthinking and several unanswered questions.

“I was going through anxiety and some kind of irrational fear. So many questions were constantly in my mind as I was overthinking a lot.”

These issues began to interfere with her studies, particularly when she was writing her thesis. The anxiety and overthinking caused delays and made her feel frustrated and irritated.

“I decided to go for counselling so that someone could understand my situation and provide a solution. It was affecting my studies, and I needed to focus.”

Her counsellor suggested various activities and techniques to help manage her anxiety, including physical exercises and breathing techniques.

“She suggested doing physical activities until I was tired and was sweating, to help manage my stress.”

These activities and the counsellor’s understanding and explanations of the biological impacts of anxiety brought positive changes in Rina’s life. However, her situation was complex, and her counsellor recommended seeing a psychiatrist for some additional support.

“My counsellor understood my problem well and explained how it was affecting my health. She suggested I meet a psychiatrist and take medicines along with counselling.”

Rina is grateful for the support she received, particularly from her last counsellor, who truly understood her struggles.

“I’m very thankful to her because it was difficult to explain my problems to anyone else, but she understood all of it.”

In terms of feeling better, Rina rates herself a 4 out of 5. For her, improvement means being relaxed and able to manage her thoughts better.

Rina’s journey is proof of the power of seeking help and the positive changes that come from it and we at YourDOST could not be more proud of her.

We wish her all the happiness and luck in the world for her future!

Rina’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Everyone should be aware of the importance of mental health, as it affects our physical health and day-to-day life.”
2.“People experiencing mental health issues should seek help immediately to lessen their pain and recover faster.”


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