RHOBH Reunion Part 3: Kyle Admits She Was Curious to Kiss “Hot” Morgan for Music Video & Clarifies Their Relationship as She Talks Losing Trust in Mauricio, Plus Kathy Reflects on Mauricio’s Exit from Hilton & Hyland and Sutton Falls Ill
Of course it takes until the conclusion of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion to even touch the Kyle/Morgan of it all. Andy does his best trying to get answers out of Kyle, but she does a good job of dancing around the question because, according to her, “it’s nobody’s f*cking business.” Kyle would much rather go back and forth with Sutton…that is until Sutton has a medical emergency seemingly caused by Kathy Hilton‘s presence? Sutton states that something scared her…leaving all of us to wonder is *she* afraid of Kathy?
Things between Kyle and Sutton are still unsettled, particularly after Kyle insinuated Sutton has a drinking problem and an eating disorder. Sutton claims that Kyle has given mean jabs at her over the course of the season and of course Kyle spins it and tries to defend her unkind actions towards Sutton. Kyle calls it hurtful that Sutton “grilled” her about her marriage at her dinner party. When Andy asks if there could be a resolution with the ladies, Sutton says that she believes they will eventually be ok. Kyle gives Sutton two hugs to show that they are all good, even after going after each other for two episodes of the reunion.
The group awaits Kathy’s arrival and Kyle looks more nervous than ever. As Kathy enters, Andy calls her the “Grande Dame of Beverly Hills…not Lisa Vanderpump.” The shade. Kathy is back on the couch, crystal in tow, thanks to Kyle. Kyle and Kathy have made amends and so, she is there to support Kyle, despite not watching a full episode of the show this season.
Erika gets questioned about her statement that some women in the group fear Kathy since she holds the key to many things in Beverly Hills. Erika admits that Kathy IS Beverly Hills and Andy probes Erika by asking, “who do you think is most afraid of her in this group?”
At that moment, Sutton falls into Garcelle and begins shaking. A paramedic comes to the scene and Sutton is told that her blood pressure is high. Annemarie jumps to action, thrilled to have the opportunity to show off her medical background once more. As Sutton receives care, Erika chit-chats with Kathy about how she’s been (which looks slightly insensitive, but I am not surprised) and Kathy thinks Sutton is just experiencing a hot flash: “Sutton you’re 49 years old, it’s bound to happen,” which sort of diminishes the issue at hand.
Sutton gets walked off (with her bestie Garcelle) to seek some medical attention and Annemarie is just SO happy to move closer on the couch now that Garcelle and Sutton are gone. Kathy thinks it’s a good way of getting out of being in the hot seat, considering she was going to go after Sutton next.
The show must go on and so Andy picks up right where he left off. Erika explains that Kathy is a powerful person, but Kathy states that her relationship with Kyle is more important than any show. A little business talk ensues, making Kyle incredibly uncomfortable when the Agency gets brought up. Mauricio starting his own business has caused some tension between the families, particularly when he poached agents from Hilton & Hyland. Kyle tries to stay out of this conversation to try and not make matters worse.
Andy gets a text that Sutton is heading to the hospital and Garcelle is going with her. Andy excuses himself to grab their phones and Merce’s ashes…yes, you read that correctly…Merce is IN the purse.
When asked about how and when Kyle and Kathy made up, we learn that Kim’s daughter had a bridal shower and it served as a reunion. Regarding anything she has said about Kathy on the show in anger, Kyle warned her that it was coming and so Kathy was able to keep her sensitivity in check. Not really sure why we are witnessing this borderline therapy session between the sisters, but alas, it’s nice to see them get back on track.
In other news this year, we saw Kyle’s marriage crumble. The producers did a great job highlighting their past, showing us how solid they seemed. It’s hard to watch, but Andy asks Kyle outright when things started to get hard in their marriage. Kyle explains that some issues never went away and that something DID happen where she did lose her trust in Mo. Dorit nods when Andy asks if it’s something that Mo did (how very Dorit of her- some friend). Kyle explains that she had a breaking point and thought it was just a temporary thing, except they did not come back together after 28 years.
Since 2013, there have been rumors swirling about Mo’s infidelity and the whispers became too loud for Kyle. She became insecure and when Mo went on Dancing with the Stars, it was obvious that Kyle had little say in his life choices. Kyle admits that if Mo got this opportunity years ago, she would have been too jealous for him to be on the show. Although Kyle and Mauricio are separated and allowed to do what they want, it hurt her to see pictures surface of Mo holding hands with his DWTS partner. Like Ariana and Sandoval, Kyle and Mo are still living together in the same house, so it does tend to get awkward. There have been conversations about Mo moving out and the kids have been strong and supportive throughout.
According to Kyle, Morgan didn’t realize the attention she would get being on the show (I smell BS). The speculations about the two of them being together have been everywhere, but Kyle remains poker faced. Crystal admits that she thought Kyle was with Morgan and Dorit explains that the amount of Instagram pictures together made them look like girlfriends. Notice Erika stays mute. Annemarie tries to back away from what she said that Kyle has found someone that makes her feel loved and Garcelle pointed out that it’s seems like it’s a personal thing to go to the doctor’s office with someone, like Morgan did with Kyle.
Crystal wonders about the music video Kyle did with Morgan. Kyle tries to explain that Morgan agreed to perform at Lorene’s event so long as Kyle would be in one of Morgan’s music videos. Kyle claims that she didn’t know the content of the video (didn’t know she would be kissing Morgan) and admits that she was “obviously curious in order to say yes” to the actions filmed. Kathy tells Kyle not to be embarrassed and Kyle admits to Morgan being “hot.”
Kyle hesitates to answer the million-dollar-question and tells Andy that they are, in fact, not a couple, but she says she loves her and she’s her friend. Kathy thinks that Morgan is funny and refreshing, as well as talented. Kyle states that she “doesn’t know” if she can see herself with Morgan and gives Andy eyes like he better STFU. Kyle talks about evolving and Andy says, “maybe next year she will be out here on the couch” with us. And I am scared to say I couldn’t tell if he was joking…
It’s odd not to have Garcelle or Sutton (and Merce) there at the end of the reunion. Andy does his thing and asks each woman for their final reflection after the season. Annemarie admits she had a “rough ride” and she will focus on happiness and health. Crystal says her voice matters and Erika smiles coyly saying she’s ok, even after all the hardships. Kathy is glad to be next to Kyle and respects the “sisterhood” of the group.
Dorit responds long-windedly, causing Andy to yawn yet again, eventually saying that she needs to be less naïve. Kyle explains she may have lost what she thought was her happily ever after, but she WILL get back to a happily ever after…whatever that means.
It ends on an optimistic note and Kyle exhales, seemingly relieved to be out of the hot seat. We learn that Sutton had a brief ER stay, but is on the mend and that although Kyle and Mo are still under the same roof, Kyle has gone to Nashville to see Morgan. Looks like social media will be our best bet of staying in the loop of this non-relationship until next season…
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