RHOBH Recap: Crystal Calls Annemarie a B*tch as Sutton Confronts Annemarie Over Comments on Her Esophagus, Plus Kyle Admits She's Giving Mauricio a 'Taste of His Own Medicine' Amid Marital Strain
Sutton is beyond annoyed once she finds out that Annemarie has been talking about her health issues behind her back. She plans to clear the air with Annemarie at Dorit‘s Homeless Not Toothless event, a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills throwback. But after a heated conversation, it’s Crystal who loses her cool with Annemarie, calling her a b*tch and leaving the group stunned. Can the upcoming girls’ trip to Barcelona bring everyone back together?
Kyle heads over to Sutton’s house, helps herself to Sutton’s refrigerator, and then silently judges the lack of food in said refrigerator (causing eyebrows to raise after Annemarie insinuated the night before that Sutton had an eating disorder). Kyle has no problem grabbing some eye patches from the refrigerator, though. Typical Kyle.
Sutton is trying to understand Mauricio’s business trips and why he was unable to attend such an important night for Kyle at the celebration of life event for her dear friend, Lorene. Sutton is not accepting Kyle’s excuses for him, and it seems a little fishy that he WILL be in attendance at the infamous Homeless not Toothless event, hosted by Dorit.
Sutton talks about how she was prepping herself to be strong at Kyle’s event since she lost her father to suicide and this is a difficult topic. The focus of the event, unfortunately, changed when Garcelle let Sutton know that Annemarie is “coming for her” and her small esophagus. Sutton wants Annemarie to leave her esophagus alone, and Kyle ponders if Sutton has met her match when it comes to ridiculous topics.
In other news, the ladies have decided a trip to Barcelona would be a GREAT idea to get the group together; however, Sutton wants to take back Annemarie’s invite… unless she gives her an apology.
Crystal FaceTimes Garcelle to chat about what went down the night before. They agree that it was a moving celebration of life, but they feel like Annemarie may have forgotten what the event was truly about when she implied Sutton had an eating disorder. Crystal can’t figure out what Annemarie’s end game is with this whole Sutton thing, especially when Crystal realizes that, despite what Annemarie told her, she is NOT a doctor, but rather a nurse anesthetist.
AND to that point, a simple Google search made by Crystal proves that Sutton’s esophagus issues are, in fact, true, despite Annemarie’s witch hunt against Sutton the night before. It is wild how much Annemarie wants to “out” Sutton; it is next-level and completely unnecessary.
PK and Dorit meet with a planner to set up the Homeless Not Toothless charity event (sigh, if only we had Kathy to mess this name up over and over again). Dorit is calling it a gala and questions the security level of the space. Because of the recent couple’s therapy session, Dorit feels as though there has been a breakthrough since PK is more present. As a couple, they tweak the tablescape and name drop: Did you know Paula Abdul and William H. Macy will be in attendance, as well as a surprise guest? Is it Boy George??
Crystal meets up with her brother, Jeff, who is back in the States now after spending time in Asia. Jeff shares that he saw his ex-fiancée and things were surreal. He feels wounded by what happened and states that his ex was never fully accepted by Crystal and her mother… which is not wrong. Jeff believes that another woman coming into his life is problematic, but it needs to become okay so he can move on. Jeff explains that he is going to spend half the year in Bangkok so he can retake control of his life. Aka — he’s sick of Crystal’s overbearing ways and needs some space. JK.
It’s the day of the Homeless Not Toothless event, and Kyle and Mauricio head over together. They act like two strangers trying to catch up, and it is so awkward. Mo tries to make his absence excusable by pointing out that none of the guys went to Lorene’s celebration of life, and that really hurts Kyle. Kyle explains she is giving Mauricio a ‘taste of his own medicine’ by springing the girls’ Spain trip on him. She acts like a defiant teenager as he tries to pick his jaw up off the floor.
At the gala, Erika‘s dentist hits on her, which is hilar, and the step and repeat is popping, especially as Kyle and Mo dance around not actually touching each other but attempting to look like a couple. Exhausting.
Garcelle, Crystal, Erika, and Sutton gather around a table and debrief. Sutton makes it clear that she wants no one talking about her body behind her back (Annemarie) and threatens that it will not go well for her. They call Annemarie over to their table because #showtime. Sutton tells Annemarie that they need to talk and that Annemarie “picked the wrong person.” Once Annemarie tries to explain herself, Sutton cuts her off, and TBH, Sutton is not one to mess with right now.
Annemarie points out that Sutton has lied to her three times and reminds the group, yet again, that she is a board-certified nurse anesthetist. Sutton makes it clear that she has a board-certified DOCTOR telling her what she can/cannot do with her esophagus condition.
A nervous Annemarie does the typical Housewife move and deflects. Annemarie claims that Crystal was the one saying Sutton had an eating disorder, which is incorrect, and now the ladies are causing an absolute scene with the yelling. Sutton lets Annemarie know that bringing the esophagus thing up at Kyle’s event was inappropriate, and Crystal points out that Annemarie talked about it to her and Garcelle for nearly two hours.
The fighting escalates when Crystal attempts to debunk Annemarie’s initial statement that she is a doctor. Crystal, frustrated in trying to get her point across shrieks, “You are such a b*tch!” Annemarie thinks that Crystal resents her because she didn’t get to go to med school like Annemarie did (right), and after much ado, Annemarie gives the crummiest apology to Sutton to try and get the target off her back.
Of course, Kyle finds Dorit to tell her that things are getting heated. Kyle can’t believe that Crystal screamed, “You’re such a b*tch,” at a black-tie event — not exactly what they were hoping for when they said Crystal needs a voice, but who is to judge?
LOVING that Dorit is introduced as a “fashion designer” (lol) when she takes the stage. She says a few words and passes the mic to Paula Abdul, who then welcomes Taylor Dayne to perform “Tell It to My Heart.” The crowd is brought to their feet, Erika lip-syncs the words (in preparation for her upcoming show — hello, Amber?), and the night is a relative success. Before it wraps up, Sutton gets the ladies together to try and clear the air, in hopes of positive vibes only coming with them to Spain.
Later, Kyle is stuck playing peacekeeper between Sutton and Annemarie. Sutton explains that Annemarie needs to stop talking AT them, but once Kyle calls Annemarie, it’s not Sutton that Annemarie is beefing with — it’s Crystal. Crystal admits that it’s rude to call someone a b*tch, but she got pushed to her limit, and it is clear that Annemarie just wants to be right since this esophagus issue is a medical thing and she works in the medical field. Annemarie states she has no intention of talking to Crystal since she mocked her profession, and so she will avoid her until she receives an apology.
HOWEVER, Annemarie is ready to make peace with Sutton before getting on this plane to Barcelona. She feels bad for her part in all that happened, but part? Sutton is right — Annemarie’s part is all of it! Sutton states that Annemarie is not off the hook. Twenty-four hours later, the group arrives in Barcelona, Spain, and let’s just say any hope that the hurt will heal is thrown out the window.
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