Republicans Want Weed, But Does The GOP Care
In the last couple of years, the elected members of the GOP have lukewarm, best about legal cannabis. Early on, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was the leader of the GOP’s policy including blocking weed, but he seems to slightly be losing his gip. The House passed SAFE Banking and has been very open to less restrictions on the cannabis industry providing more opportunities and tax revenue, but McConnell blocked the bill. Earlier this year, the Senate took up SAFER Banking only to have chaos in House delaying any action. Unfortunately for the GOP, the last Gallop polling shows republicans want weed, but does the GOP care?
The current House speaker, Mike Johnson (R-LA) has a very clear vision of the future and believes if he works hard enough, he will be able put now laws and restrictions in place to do it. turns out 55% of Republicans support legal weed, but does their party’s majority focus matter to the electeds?
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The recent two elections show the GOP seems to be out of step with enough of their base to hand them election failures. Speaker Johnson doesn’t smoke, swear, drink or use banks. But the good news he has shown a certain willingness to work with Democrats around budget.
If Johnson is open to budget deals, passing SAFER Banking in the Senate will be a benefit for state via the tax revenue and the economy. SAFER Banking will be help the cannabis industry continue to grow providing more job and cash into the economy. Despite the constant increase of new customers, the onerous federal and state legal issues puts a drag on the legal marijuana industry and has a direct hit to bottom lines.
The Biden administration has begun the process of changing the classification of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. In summer, the Department of Health and Human Services — after conducting a scientific review — recommended that marijuana be moved to Schedule III. The Drug Enforcement Administration is now tasked with making the final decision, likely to come in the first half of next year.
Other good news is there is now a significant chuck of the alcohol and tobacco industry are vested in the cannabis world and legalization only benefits those industry’s bottom line.
RELATED: People Who Use Weed Also Do More Of Another Fun Thing
If the GOP wants to start winning elections, they are going to have start listening to voters. And legal marijuana and medical marijuana is probably the safest first step.
Terry Hacienda
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