I have participated in Self Love Beauty’s Affirmation Day in different ways over the years. Each year has been totally unique and I’ve loved it.

My first year I gave cards to friends, sent emails, posted on friend’s Facebook pages and sent text messages.

Last year I was sitting with my husband during his chemotherapy treatment and gave affirmation cards with a quick hand-written note to patients receiving treatment that day, in addition to all of the AMAZING nurses in the oncology department. So many surprised smiles that morning…it was awesome!

This year I was honored to volunteer at Biggby Coffee on Eastman Avenue in Midland. My time spent with the employees there was truly heartwarming. I felt like a fish out of water trying to assist, but they were all so kind and helpful. You could tell they are naturally uplifting females and that was so amazing to witness.

One thing I loved is that this store whole heartedly believes in the power of affirmations. I was writing affirmations on the coffee holders and asked if they already do this. One of the employees said, ‘oh yes, when we have time.’ How awesome is that?! They all feel it’s important to do this year-round. I spent a lot of time writing them out and I absolutely loved I would be putting a smile on someone’s face.

A second thing I enjoyed is the camaraderie of the staff. One of the team members told me that she loves Starbuck’s coffee and she’d probably save money if she worked there instead of Biggby. The reason she chooses to work for Biggby is the culture the owners have established. All of the girls shook their head yes and chimed in agreement.

When I was driving over to Biggby that morning, I was cursing myself out and asking why I always add more to my week than I should. You see, it’s been absolutely crazy busy at work and I had a big golf outing the next day in Lansing, with still lots of running and things to do that day. However, when I finished my volunteer shift my heart was totally full and I always know exactly why I volunteer my time with Self Love Beauty. I love that I am able to spread kindness, love and the importance of affirmations to boost one’s self-confidence. It’s so needed in everyone’s life.

If you haven’t participated in the past, be sure to not only encourage yourself and others every day, but especially on Affirmation Day in 2024. I promise you will be happy you did.

Hope to see you next year at Biggby where I know I will be volunteering again.

Lisa Thompson

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