He seemed okay once he entered the military. But no one heard that he was missing his drug tests. He conveniently vanished from the base when drug tests were taken. Said he had an appointment somewhere else.
Sound a little fishy?
And is skipping a drug test okay in the British military? Those soldiers are manning Howitzers and flying around in helicopters. Who knew?
Someone must have known…
Now it’s clear he was dodging the drug tests, and no one said, “Hold on, mate. Take the drug test, or you’re out.”
But they say the grandson came and went as he pleased, and his behavior was kept under wraps and okay.
However, the same grandson knew his castle bedroom was smaller than his older brother’s bedroom.
Drug tests? Get lost. Bedroom size? Now that is an issue.
Possibly he felt bedroom size was an issue as a child, but to readdress his bedroom size as an adult, and to include it in an autobiography?
It smacks of a Goldilocks just right mindset.
How many homeless children would complain about their bedroom size?
Room for change? Sure. Better he support Invictus veterans than complain and write about a bedroom size.
Fingers crossed!
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