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Queen Camilla Reveals Her Hidden 'Harry Potter' Weakness


Queen Camilla has a good number of personal skills and charms. She reportedly enjoys gardening and swimming in the sea, and loves to read. But about that reading—the passion is there, but the ability to do individual character voices in Harry Potter? Not so much.

In a clip from the first episode of The Queen’s Reading Room Podcast released Monday, the monarch said that she enjoys reading the beloved seven-part book series to her grandchildren, “more than anything else,” but that when it comes to grunting out Hagrid’s lines declaring his passion for Blast-Ended Skrewts or Professor McGonagall’s morsels of Transfiguration wisdom, someone else in the house wears the crown.

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“I can’t mimic voices for love or money, I’m completely hopeless at it,” she said. “I was a really bad actor at school, and I’ve never been able to master the art of mimicry. But my husband [King Charles], he does it brilliantly. He can do all the voices.”

However, this latest tidbit is well out of spoiler territory (though we’d pay all the Galleons in Gringotts to hear Charles toss out his best “nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak!”): Camilla revealed Charles’ voice acting skills in the 2018 documentary Prince, Son, and Heir: Charles at 70.

“He reads Harry Potter and he can do all the different voices,” she said, “and I think children really appreciate that.”


Kase Wickman

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