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Purple Lotus Donates Proceeds to San Jose Flood Relief


The Purple Lotus Patient Center of San Jose has joined supporting our local community in an effort to support those affected by this past week’s flash flooding.

Press Release

updated: Feb 24, 2017

The City of San Jose was shook to its core this past week with severe flooding throughout the entire community. After one of the wettest Winters in the past decade, everyone was caught off-guard by the torrential down pour and even The Lotus was impacted with blockades and major streets being shut down.

Although The Purple Lotus was able to bounce back in under 24 hours, many citizens are still in distress by having to deal with the leftovers and decay from the flood.

Purple Lotus is partnering with several local community officials to help identify those in direct need of immediate assistance and will be donating a portion of ALL proceeds this week to help those individuals. If you know of community members in need of assistance, please feel free to reach out to us directly and help guide us in bringing this city back on its feet!

Missing Pets?

Many pets have been taken to and looked after at the San Jose Animal Shelter during the evacuations. The shelter is at 2750 Monterey Road in San Jose.

Evacuation Center Locations

Evergreen Valley High School, 3300 Quimby Rd 95148
Mayfair Community Center – 2039 Krammerer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95116
Shirakawa Community Center – 2072 Lucretia Avenue, San Jose, CA, 29116
Red Cross overnight shelter at James Lick High School (57 N. White Road, San Jose). This shelter is operated with the San Jose Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services and cannot accept pets.

Source: Purple Lotus Patient Center


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