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Pundit’s Defense Of Paying For Twitter Blue Gets People Concerned About His Bowels


One of them is Jason Whitlock, a former ESPN columnist who now works for the conservative outlet The Blaze.

On Friday, Whitlock tweeted, “I do not understand the reluctance to pay the $8” for the blue check mark, complaining that “entitled” people “always want something for nothing.”

One person wondered if Whitlock was putting his money where his mouth is, speculating that The Blaze was paying for his blue check mark.

But things really went down the toilet when Whitlock responded by describing his spending habits:

Dude, it’s $8 a month. A Big Mac and fries. Good lord, I probably use $8 a day in toilet paper,” he tweeted.

That’s when people decided that the state of Whitlock’s colon was at least as upsetting as paying a billionaire $8 a month for what is basically an emoji next to their name.

Whitlock took a lot of crap for the tweet, but seemed to be OK with the attention.

He also seemed willing to try to monetize the tweet after this comment.


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