Thanks, mom. Decades from now, or whenever he ascends the throne, Prince George will likely be thanking his mother, Kate Middleton. Why? According to a psychologist, George will be a better king as a direct result of the Princess of Wales’s parenting.

George is ‘lucky’ to have Kate Middleton as a mom

Kate Middleton and Prince George | Samir Hussein/WireImage

Born on July 22, 2013, George is, per royal expert Jennie Bond, “very lucky to have Catherine as his mother.” 

“She’s showing herself to be an excellent parent in quite difficult circumstances,” Bond told the U.K.’s Mirror. Kate’s “doing a great job of making sure George grows up as balanced, confident, and happy as possible.” 

“As second in line to the throne behind his father, Prince William,” George, Bond continued, “really is in a unique position for a child who has only just reached his double digits milestone. But it’s his mother who is keeping him as grounded as possible.” 

George turned 10 on July 22, 2023. The Prince and Princess of Wales marked the occasion by releasing a new photo of the young royal. 

“Even though he has this big destiny ahead of him,” Bond said, “Catherine tries very hard to ensure his childhood is as normal as possible with walks in the park, outings with friends, and visits to local museums and farms.”

George will be ‘equipped to handle the challenges of modern-day monarchy’ as king with ‘skills’ Kate’s teaching him now

Prince George, who will be a 'more personable and empathetic monarch' because of Kate Middleton, per an expert, sits with his mother
Kate Middleton and Prince George | Karwai Tang/WireImage

What Kate instills in George today will make a difference when he takes the throne, according to psychologist Emma Kenny. 

“Kate’s guidance will make a more personable and empathetic monarch, equipped to handle the challenges of modern-day monarchy,” she told the outlet. “Since she’s likely to be queen before her son is crowned, the mentoring that he will receive from her will be powerfully educating.”

While George may be a long way away from the throne, Kate’s wasting no time “sowing the seeds for him to cope with the pressures by maintaining a high level of positive communication and a family foundation of love and security.” 

“At 10, George has a secure base from which to explore the world, make mistakes, and grow in character,” Kenny explained.” Coupled with William and Kate’s “accepting nature,” it will “help him develop emotional literacy and an empathetic nature.” 

Encouraging George to express his feelings and concerns, normalizing them, and offering comfort, will help him develop resilience, too,” the psychologist added. “Of course, all these skills will be essential in his future role, as he will face immense public scrutiny.”

George has ‘informal meetings’ his grandfather King Charles III

Prince George, who will have Kate Middleton to thank when he's a monarch on the throne, stands with King Charles III
Prince George and King Charles III | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Beyond William and Kate’s parenting are the “meetings” George has with his grandfather, King Charles III. According to royal expert Robert Jobson, the pair have “informal” sit-downs.

George, Jobson wrote in the U.K.’s Express, “gets on well with his loving granddad King Charles III too, and famously took part in the Coronation as a Page of Honor and didn’t put a foot wrong.” 

“I’m told his informal chats with his grandfather are becoming more frequent,” Jobson continued. “You sense, just like William’s relationship with the late Queen, Elizabeth II, when he was an Eton schoolboy, George’s close bond with the King will be important in preparing for his future role.”

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