WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – The Trumptard recently texted President Biden and told him that if a hurricane hits and devastates his beautiful Mar-a-Lago complex, that he demands that the Federal Governement send him millions and millions of dollars in aid to fix up his luxurious home.
President Biden wasted no time in telling the racist whoremonger that if a hurricane totally levels “Mar-a-Liar,” that he (Trump) is on his own, since, as he (Trump) keeps saying delusionally, that he has more money than Bezos, Musk, Gates, and King Charles III, combined.
SIDENOTE: Vice-President Kamala Harris chimed in and said that if a hurricane hits and destroys the shit out of Mar-a Liar, that the “Pussy Grabber,” (Trump) should ask his one remaining friend, Fox News host Greg “The Rodent” Gutfeld for a FUCKING loan.