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Police arrest 2, recovers 4 stolen cars with 3kg Marijuana in Trinidad – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Trinidad: 2 arrested, 4 stolen cars recovered and 3 kg marijuana seized over weekend
(Representative Image)

Trinidad and Tobago: The Trinidad and Tobago police captured two individuals and recovered four stolen vehicles. As per reports, the police also seized 3 kg of marijuana during investigations in the Northern and North Eastern Divisions over the weekend.

Between 1 am and 5 am on Sunday, officers conducted an intelligence-based exercise following a report of Larceny Motor Vehicle in the division.

After investigating a house near the area of Thomas Trace, Arouca, the police officials recovered four stolen vehicles, which included 2 Nissan AD Wagons, 1 Nissan Tiida and 1 Nissan Versa.

The individuals caught were a 24-year-old from Oropune Gardens, Piarco and a 54-year-old from Thomas Trace, Arouca.

Earlier on Friday, officers conducted an Operation Blue Line exercise in the North Eastern Division between 6 pm and 10 pm.

During this exercise, officials of the San Juan CID and the North Eastern Division Gang Intelligence Unit investigated several drug blocks in the district of San Juan.

They focused on the areas of Mt. Lambert Circular, San Juan Croisee, La Canoa Road, Hope Place, 1st and 2nd Streets, Mt. Hope, Sunshine Avenue, Laventille Road, San Juan and Blanc Street.

While investigating Blanc Street around 9 pm on Friday, the officials observed a group of men gathered along the roadway, and upon seeing the officers, all of them ran in different…

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