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Self Help

Podcasts On Self-improvement – 10 Of The BEST


Books are great if you love reading and websites are fantastic sources of information but if you prefer to listen rather than read, then podcasts on self-improvement might be the thing for you.

Podcasts are a series of voice recorded episodes of people talking or chatting about a particular topic. Unlike a radio station which is live, podcasts are pre-recorded and you can download it and listen to it whenever you like. There are podcasts on so many topics these days including podcast on self-improvement.

What self-improvement means

The meaning of self-improvement is, I feel, fairly self-explanatory: It literally means the enhancement of your understanding, your skills, your position in life, or your personality by your own endeavours. It’s the attempt to make yourselves better in any or all areas of your life.

What are podcasts on self-improvement all about?

Podcasts on self-improvement are just that. They are a recorded series of individual talks or chats with a group of people discussing anything to do with self-help or self-improvement. This might cover topics that include:

  • Physical health
  • Emotional health
  • Mental health
  • Productivity
  • Diet
  • Time management
  • Beauty
  • Careers
  • Relationships

Self-improvement is a very wide topic and these podcasts will be full of ideas, experiences and advice that you can learn from.

What is the best podcast for self-help or self-improvement?

Each podcast is different and covers different topics, with varying degrees of depth and quality. You need to find the ones that cover the specific area of self-improvement that you need advice on, however, in the meantime here is a selection of 10 of the best I’ve found so far to get you started.

10 of the best podcasts on self-Improvement from

(Some of these podcasts do require Audible membership)

1. Here’s Exactly What To Do – By Mel Robbins

here's exactly what to do podcasts on self-improvement

“Mel Robbins is back, just in time to help you reimagine the life you want. Discover why Mel is a bestselling global phenomenon with her new Audible Original podcast, which guides you to take action so you can stay motivated and transform your life. Each episode zeros in on an aspect of your attitude or situation that may be holding you back: Is your confidence in need of a recharge? Is your creativity running low?

Are you wrestling with blame or guilt, or not carving out the right life balance? Or are you just feeling blah and can’t get out of bed? In this series of highly tactical motivational talks, Mel makes it very simple. For each area of your life where you’re stuck, she tells you exactly what to do so you can move into action and start creating positive change, right now.

With her signature style, Mel cuts through the B.S. and offers proven solutions that will have you feeling energized, inspired, and truly empowered. Everyone needs a regular boost, whether you’re crushing your goals on your journey to well-being, or just getting through the day. Here’s Exactly What To Do is the audio instructional playbook to changing your life.

It’s the perfect antidote to the afternoon slump, and an opportunity to take some time for yourself to clear your head, regain your focus, and move forward toward an extraordinary life – one simple step at a time.”

2. Derren Brown’s Boot Camp For Life – By Derren Brown

podcasts on self-improvement

“As human beings, we often struggle to cope emotionally with the 21st Century environment we’ve created, which has severe consequences for our well-being. Derren diagnoses the problem and, with a little help from psychology and philosophy, helps us marry our ape brains and the modern world.”

3. Habits for Mastering Anxiety – By: Dr Tim Sharp

podcasts on self-improvement

“It’s estimated that 284 million people have experienced an anxiety condition in their lifetime. While anxiety is extremely common, the good news is it’s also extremely treatable. Based on Dr Tim Sharp’s three decades of knowledge and experience, Habits for Mastering Anxiety is a 10-step program to guide your journey to managing and mastering your anxiety. 

Covering proven treatments and strategies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, this is a practical, realistic and habit-forming approach that will build a calmer and more confident you. 

Dr Tim Sharp is a clinical and consulting psychologist with three degrees in psychology and a distinguished career over several decades. He’s Australia’s very own ‘Dr Happy’ and the founder of The Happiness Institute.

Please note: this series is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for personal medical advice from a physician, psychologist or other qualified health professional.”

4. Sleep Sound With Jaime Dornan – By Audible Ltd. Narrated by Jaime Dornan

podcasts on self-improvement

“Do you struggle to Sleep Sound? In his new sleep aid podcast, actor Jamie Dornan will transport you to relaxing locations around the world, from a Mexican beach to an Amazon rainforest or a Namibian desert. So select your favourite imaginary getaway, take a deep breath, relax, and join Audible on this escape to sleep. A Novel Production for Audible Originals. Producer: Eleanor Biggs, Executive Producer: Max O’Brien, Sound Designer: Nicholas Alexander.”

“Podcasts on self-improvement can make a big difference in your life if you find the right one”

5. Mindful: What To Eat For A Better Brain – By Dr Joanna McMillan

podcasts on self-help

“We know that what and how we eat is important. We also know that our brain performance impacts our overall health, our mood, our risk of anxiety and depression and our risk of cognitive decline and dementia as we age.

So what diet and nutrition fuels the best brain performance? Dr Joanna McMillan cuts through the nonsense, bust the myths and misconceptions and translates the extraordinary emerging science the gut-brain link, that explains just how your food choices impact your health and happiness.

Each episode explains the everyday science, but also tells you exactly what you should be eating to improve your brain performance. Dr Joanna McMillan is one of Australia’s favourite and most trusted health and wellbeing experts. She is a PhD qualified nutrition scientist and an accredited practising dietitian and has the natural ability to translate complex science into practical actions that will transform theory into achievement.”

6. Jason and Judi’s Feel Good Toolkit – By Jason Manford and Judi Love

Please note: contains adult themes and strong language.

Jason Manford and Judi Love are on a mission to find the best life hacks and sage advice to help you feel good. They’re joined by a host of expert guests who spill the beans – from career gurus and parenting coaches to exercise experts and relationship boffins. Every episode, Jason and Judi probe the professionals for new tips and tricks to add to their feel good toolkit.”

7. Coupledom With Idris And Sabrina Elba – By: Idris Elba, Sabrina Elba

Coupledom sees Idris and Sabrina Elba explore the power of partnerships with duos from all walks of life, whose connections span love, business, creativity, politics and more. The all-star line-up of guests includes Kris Jenner & Kim Kardashian West, Ben & Jerry, Christian Louboutin & Mika, Nadiya & Abdal Hussain, Tommy & Codie Oliver and Mary & Sharon Bishop Baldwin.”

“Podcasts on self-improvement are easy way to make a change”

8. Derren Brown’s Boot Camp For The Brain – By Derren Brown and Brian King

“Do you ever make mistakes? Do you ever lose your temper and then immediately regret it?

In this Audible Original Podcast, Derren Brown and a host of expert guests journey into your brain. Combining the latest scientific research with gripping real-life stories, they explore the cerebral shenanigans which dictate human behaviour – revealing how our brains deceive and confuse us, but also how we can get the upper hand. Over the course of eight episodes, Derren recalls many of his famous tricks and illusions, taking us to the place where science and magic meet.”

9. The Bias Diagnosis – By: Ivan Beckley, Emma Barnaby, Yero Timi-Biu, Anishka Sharma, Tej Adeleye

“Ivan Beckley is about to become a qualified doctor, but he’s not convinced that healthcare works for everyone equally.

In this Audible Original Podcast, we follow Ivan as he speaks to real people, with real stories, uncovering one of the biggest injustices in modern medicine. Research shows that black people and people of colour die more often and have worse health outcomes in a variety of illness and across different medical fields. Ivan investigates the origins of this bias and debunks the misinformation that has existed for centuries.”

10. Gutfull: What To Eat For A Happy Gut – By Dr Joanna McMillan

“We know that gut health is important. What and how you eat affects your energy levels, your brain function, how you feel, your work performance, your skin, your weight, how well you age and your long-term health. There isn’t much else in life under your control that has that kind of awesome power and all of these effects start with what happens in the gut.

At the same time, never before have we been so confused over what we should eat!

Dr Joanna McMillan cuts through the nonsense, bust the myths and misconceptions and translates the extraordinary emerging science of the gut and the gut-brain link, that explains just how your food choices impact your health and happiness. Each episode explains the everyday science, but also tells you exactly what you should be eating to improve your gut health.

Dr Joanna McMillan is one of Australia’s favourite and most trusted health and wellbeing experts. She is a PhD qualified nutrition scientist and an accredited practising dietitian and has the natural ability to translate complex science into practical actions that will transform theory into achievement.”

Do podcasts on self-improvement work?

Podcasts on self-improvement can be full of very useful advice, tips and resources. Just listening to a podcast won’t help you change the way you are, however if you make the effort to listen to what the experts are saying and implement changes in your life based on their advice and experiences then it is highly probable that the self-help podcast will work for you.


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Rachel Mills

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