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Planting and Caring for Peonies — Seattle’s Favorite Garden Store Since 1924 – Swansons Nursery



Spring & Summer

The second spring after planting, top dress 6″-12″ from the crown of the plant with an all-purpose organic fertilizer. 

Peonies are relatively drought-tolerant once established. Care should be taken, however, to water during periods of active growth in the spring and late summer to ensure proper bud growth.

Fall & Winter

After your peony puts on a marvelous display of color in the fall, cut the browning foliage of herbaceous peonies to the ground and mulch with a couple of inches of compost. Cut ITOH peonies, leaving 4”-5” of woody stems. Do not cut back tree peonies. Now, sit back and relax while you wait for an even more beautiful plant next season!


Botrytis is the only disease that affects peonies. It is characterized by drooping, blackened or scorched-looking foliage and dried up flower buds. Remove any signs of diseased material from the plant, cleaning your pruners with an alcohol solution between each cut. Do not compost diseased material! Spray the plant with a copper-based fungicide to help control the disease.

This post was updated for 2023.


Alex LaVilla

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