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Plant care for Lupines, Annual Flower Information


Plant care for Lupines,  Annual Flower Information


(From lupus-wolf, destroying soil as does the wolf)

Lupines are attractive plants bearing Pea like flowers in whorls upon long, graceful spikes. There are annual and perennial species. The annual varieties are mainly derived from the following species: Lupinus luteus, the European Yellow Lupine, in which the flowers are yellow, and the stems hairy; L. hirsutus, the European Blue Lupine, a blue-flowered sort, very hairy; L. hartwegi, a two-colored species with blue and red, or blue and white flowers, and many other species differing in color and height. The Lupines bloom during the Summer and grow 2 to 3 feet tall. The leaves are seven- to nine-parted, and are a handsome feature of the plants, the perennials have more than nine leafLet’s.

Where to Plant. In many sections of the United States Lupines are not good because of exacting soil or climatic conditions. It is possible that they prefer acid soil and cool weather. They are very poor in Ohio, hardly ever growing more than 8 inches tall. As a border plant the Lupine is quite interesting; cut, its flowers are exquisitely suitable for graceful bowl arrangements.

GENERAL. Do not transplant Lupines. Sow them in small pots in April or in the open border in May. They bloom in eight weeks from seed. Let the plants stand a foot apart. Plant them in partial shade. If the soil is rich, they will grow three feet high, and need staking. Remove the fading flowers to prevent them from going to seed; this will also cause the other buds to open larger.

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