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Plant care for Ionopsidium – Diamond flower, Annual Flower Information


Plant care for Ionopsidium - Diamond flower, Annual Flower Information

IONOPSIDIUM – Diamond flower
(Carpet plant)
(Violet cress)

(From io-the violet; violet-like, referring to the color of the flowers)

Related to Candytuft, lonopsidium acaule is one of the most charming of the diminutive plants. It comes from Portugal. The flowers are violet, small, but borne in great numbers. The plants are not over 8 or 4 inches tall but the flower stems are long. It may not have a long season of bloom, but if the flowers are cut the plants will send up another display.

Where to Plant. The writer first saw this flower in a Columbus rock garden and so bright and truly dainty was it, that he had little rest until he had determined its name. It serves well as a ground cover.

GENERAL. It prefers rather moist and semi-shaded places. Sow the seed where they are to grow, in May.

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