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Planning Board reviews proposed marijuana sites | News – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


TEWKSBURY — The Tewksbury Planning Board met on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, at town hall to ad­dress two re­tail marijuana proposals.

The board conducted a site plan review for The Stories Company’s proposed retail marijuana dispensary at 2122 Main St. “Donuts Village,” next to Donna’s Donuts, will in­clude a 5,400 square foot building to be split between a dispensary and a retail or restaurant space.

The proponents’ presenting team included canna­bis attorney Val­erio Ro­ma­no and former Boston police commissioner Ed Davis as a security consultant; Da­vis is a Tewks­bury resident. The proponent plans to replace the sidewalk on Main Street and may add el­ectric vehicle chargers in the future.

Board members large­ly responded positively to the plan.

“Do you think having a cannabis store would de­ter someone from mov­ing in next to you?” asked member Vinny Fratalia.

Romano said that the proponent hoped to find an appropriate use to go next to the retail store.

“The downstream revenue for communities that host cannabis re­tailers is fairly significant,” he ex­plained. “It could be some­thing of a boon for that business as well as other ones… people come in and have money in their pockets to spend. Input from the board on what that use might be would be wel­come as well.”

Chair Steve Johnson no­ted during resident…


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