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PIGS may FLY – John Thomas, Humor Times


Law(less) firm-JONES DAY.

Trump slithers through litigation because Federalist attorneys and JONES DAY law offices grease each other’s swaying palms under shady Mar-a-Lago fees.

Example- Trump’s appointment of Judge Cannon- (another shallow Florida beach).

Unspoken, yet clearly understood commonality- THEY wade in MAGA’s precious SHIT together.



FEDERALIST SOCIETY (sounds legitimate), but really just a well-oiled conveyor belt of likeminded, Republicans -rubberstamping kleptocracy.

Fluent pig Latin flavors returned as big money, tobacco, guns, and petroleum.

Phony trickle up economics, tax rip-offs, loop holes, foundations- racist, political PRIGS.

Billionaire welfare- worth TRILLIONS- (a private gravy boat- with no life rafts for steerage).

Citizens suffer Republican GIBBERISH concussions every passage.

Flailing Supreme Court meteorites guarantee-PUBLIC CONFIDENCE CRATERS.

Women’s health decisions (majority opinions)- molded into whichever crater -supreme “NUTLARDS” want rendered.

Federalist Judge Cannon – blasting port barrels through civility.

ROTTEN Decisions, slopped daily, by Federalist Society alumni; ensure CONSTITUTIONALISTS PIGS- Waller in untouchable luxury.

States’ rights poison- guarantees… Americas perpetual autocracy!

Casino Loyal Republican Supreme Court – COUNTING CARDS, STACKING DECKS.

Articulated legally as- DIRTY DEEDS.

Federalism’s broken compass, failing a bleached white Constitution, pretending Scripture is modern navigation.

Floating on public ferment, Federalists like Steve Bannon, podcast venom- “KILL BIDENS ADMINISTRATION -IN THE CRIB”

Traitor, insurrectionist, (cartoon character)- Roger Stone (inciting murder)- “GET RIGHT TO THE VIOLENCE”- his mantra.

Understanding Fascist (federalist society) Latin phraseology …

Easy Peazey…

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Signed: Glenn Jones


Glenn Jones

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