Pickled white onions are so delicious, and this recipe is quick and easy to make with only a handful of common ingredients. They’re sure to become a staple for your family from the first bite.

Making them is a wonderful and unique way to use up the crop from your garden, or from the farmer’s market or grocery store.

In this post, I’m sharing the best homemade white onions recipe, and I’ll also show you exactly how to make it step by step.

You could either keep them in the refrigerator, or can them to enjoy them even longer. They’re fantastic on burgers, salads, and sandwiches, added to a chartreuse board, or as a zesty side to any dish.

The Best Pickled White Onions Recipe

Homemade Pickled White Onion Recipe

What I like the most about this quick pickled white onions recipe is that it isn’t complicated. All you need are some common ingredients that you can find at any grocery store.

Plus it’s very customizable, so you can tweak it and try different combinations of herbs and spices to see what you like the most.

What Do Pickled White Onions Taste Like?

This pickled white onions recipe tastes delightfully tangy, with a touch of sweetness, and has a satisfying crunch.

You can experiment with the different herbs and seasonings you add, which really directs the extra notes of flavor you can enjoy with them.

Related Post: How To Make Onion Jam (Easy Recipe)

My homemade pickled white onions
My homemade pickled white onions

How To Make Pickled White Onions

Making your own pickled white onions is not difficult, and you’ll be so happy with the results.

I recommend starting by following my recipe exactly the first time you make them. Then you can try your own tweaks to it next time, if you want. There’s a lot of room to experiment with it.

Pickled White Onions Recipe Ingredients

You’ll only need a handful of common ingredients for this recipe, most of which you probably already have on hand. Here’s what it calls for.

  • White onions – Choose white onions that are well developed and firm to the touch. If you’re in a pinch you could sub yellow or red onions, but it will alter the flavor.
  • Garlic cloves – Once in the brine, this adds a sweet tangy note to the recipe, and enhances the richness.
  • Fresh dill – Adds a zest that balances out the acidity of the vinegar. If you don’t have fresh, you can use ⅓ the amount of dried instead.
  • Apple cider vinegar – Offers a mellow and fruity flavor that blends well with spices. If you prefer you can substitute for white vinegar instead.

Related Post: How To Grow Onions At Home

Making brine for pickled white onions
Making brine for pickled white onions
  • Mustard seed – Adds a sharp and zingy yet earthy flavor to the brine.
  • Black peppercorns – This adds a bright and fresh flavor, even slightly citrusy, but you can omit it in a pinch.
  • Salt – This is a flavor enhancer that also helps encourage a nice crisp texture, and is an essential element in the pickling process. You can use either regular or pickling salt.
  • Sugar – Adds sweetness to the brine as well as balancing out the acidity of the vinegar.
  • Water – Balances out the vinegar in the brine so it’s not too acidic or bitter, and provides extra liquid for the recipe.

Related Post: How To Grow Onions From Seed & When To Start

Ingredients for my pickled white onions recipe
Ingredients for my pickled white onions recipe

Tools & Equipment Needed

You don’t need any fancy tools or equipment to make this recipe, just a few kitchen items. Be sure to gather everything together before you begin.

Tips For Making Pickled White Onions

I created this recipe to be uncomplicated so that anyone can make it. Below are a few tips for the best success, as well as a few modifications if you want to try other variations.

  • This recipe moves fast, so gather all of your tools and ingredients ahead of time so that everything is ready to go.
  • There’s a lot of flexibility in this recipe when it comes to the seasoning, so you can have fun experimenting with the herbs and spices you use if you’d like.
  • You can add more or less dill, try using other herbs, or spice it up with red pepper flakes or a dash of cumin.

Related Post: When & How To Harvest Onions

Preparing to pickle fresh white onions
Preparing to pickle fresh white onions

Canning Pickled White Onions (Optional) 

Since the brine is acidic, you could can your pickled white onions in a water bath canner if you want them to last longer.

All you need to do is place your filled jars in the boiling water bath to seal them. Process pints for 10 minutes and quarts for 15, making sure to adjust for altitude if necessary.

Using & Storing Pickled White Onions

For the best flavor, allow your pickled white onions to marinade for at least 2 days in the refrigerator before eating them.

Once they’re ready, you can snack on them right out of the jar, or use them on your favorite burger or sandwich.

They’re also great as a tangy accompaniment to any dish, added to an appetizer tray, or on a salad.

How Long Do Homemade Pickled White Onions Last?

Unopened jars of pickled white onions will last in the refrigerator for about 2-4 months. Once the jar is open, they are good for 2 weeks.

If you can them they will last up to one year stored in a cool, dark area. Note that they may lose some of their crispy texture as they age on the shelf.

White onions packed in jars for pickling
White onions packed in jars for pickling


Below I’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions about pickling white onions.

Are pickled white onions the same as red onions?

No, pickled white onions are not the same as red onions, though the recipes can be very similar. But red onions tend to have a sweeter flavor than white.

Do you have to soak white onions in salt before pickling?

No, you do not have to soak white onions in salt before pickling them.

How do you pickle white onions long term?

You can pickle white onions and keep them long term by canning them. Since the brine is acidic, it’s safe to process the jars in a boiling water bath canner.

What are pickled white onions made of?

Pickled white onions are primarily made of onions, vinegar, water, salt, and sugar with added seasoning and herbs of your choice.

If you’d like to learn how to make the most of your space and get as much homegrown food as possible, then my Vertical Vegetables book is perfect! It will teach you all you need to know, has tons of gorgeous photos, and includes 23 DIY projects you can build for your own garden. Order your copy today!

Learn more about my Vertical Vegetables book here.

More Garden Fresh Recipes

Share your favorite pickled white onions recipe in the comments section below.

How To Make Pickled White Onions Recipe & Instructions

Recipe & Instructions

Yield: 3 pints

Pickled White Onions Recipe

The Best Pickled White Onions Recipe

This pickled white onions recipe comes together in just 20 minutes and will have you crunching on a perfectly crisp and tangy treat in 2 days. They’re delicious straight out of the jar, or on a juicy burger, relish tray, as a zesty side dish, or on your favorite sandwich.

Prep Time
5 minutes

Cook Time
15 minutes

Additional Time
2 days

Total Time
2 days 20 minutes


  • For the best flavor, allow your pickled onions to absorb the flavors of the brine for 1-2 days in the fridge before eating.
  • If you’d like to can them, place the jars into a water bath canner and process them in boiling water for 10 minutes, adjusting for altitude if necessary.
  • This recipe is flexible in how you flavor it. You can experiment with the level of sweetness, adding different herbs, such as basil or green onion, or spice it up with cumin or red chili flakes, for example.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

½ cup

Amount Per Serving:

Calories: 38Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 534mgCarbohydrates: 7gFiber: 1gSugar: 4gProtein: 1g

Amy Andrychowicz

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