Pick Up These ‘Star Wars’ Cannabis Products
How many of you remember the first time you watched Star Wars? The original Star Wars launched the whole George Lucas franchise into the stratosphere. The first episode, “A New Hope,” was released on May 25, 1977. By the time, the 1980s rolled around; almost everyone was a fan.
One of the things about a great story is how quickly it becomes a pop culture phenomenon. When you see the characters like Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker, it is nostalgic. And having those reminders of our childhood are fun. They make us feel good.
There are cannabis accessories, and then there are creative accessories that make you smile every time you use them. And for the sci-fi geek, grinders, bongs, and stash jars in the theme are pretty cool. They make a great gift idea for the smoker that has everything.
Check out some of these creative ways that you can ‘geek out’ with Star Wars-themed cannabis accessories, including grinders and collectible art glass.
1. Star Wars Stash Jars
Storing medical marijuana in an airtight glass jar helps protect the integrity of your cannabis. It helps retain moisture, which preserves the terpenes and flavonoids in your bud. Glass airtight containers are also scent-proof, which means you won’t have to light a bunch of candles when your mother-in-law comes to visit.
Sure, you can use a plain mason jar. But where is the fun in that? Fans of the original Star Wars series will love these etched stash jars. And if R2-D2 and C3P0 aren’t their favorite characters, they have others like Darth Vader, and of course, Yoda.

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2. Character ‘Spice’ Grinders
Did you know that when you cut or grind cannabis, it helps release the terpenes and flavonoids in your weed? That means a more fragrant bowl. Don’t dismiss the aromatherapeutic benefits of terpenes. A lot of science tells us that inhaling activated terpenes also provides psychoactive effects that can promote good health.
You don’t want to do after getting home from the dispensary to grind up all your cannabis. Some patients who are new to using therapeutic medical marijuana may do that. Or grind it up and prepare all their pre-rolls at the same time. But if you are not going to smoke those pre-rolls within a week, you are better off leaving the cannabis buds intact until you are ready to pack a bowl or roll it up.
Just in case you are having a problem finding grinders online, remember that sometimes they are called ‘spice grinders’ instead. Some e-commerce websites have a thing about the word ‘cannabis’ or ‘marijuana’. The stigma lives on.
Why Should You Use a Grinder?
Some people prefer to hand-cut their cannabis with scissors. That can take a long time. It is a personal preference. But most people prefer to use grinders for many reasons.
It does an excellent job of grinding up the cannabis so that it is all the same size. This helps cannabis smoke better in a bowl or a joint.
Some grinder designs have a screen and a compartment that will capture the kief. Kief is the fine, almost dust-like particles that are on the surface and within your bud. Tap your grinder before opening, and you will see the kief that has sifted through. You can’t use kief to make edibles because it has to be heated or incinerated to activate the THC. But you can scoop it up and power-pack your bowl with some extra concentrated kick.
Check out these fantastic ‘spice grinders’ from NoveltyWares on Etsy. We think they are some of the coolest classic and next-generation Star Wars grinders we’ve seen.

3. Star Wars Themed Bongs
People collect art. In cannabis culture, one of the most artistic expressions is the bong(s) that you use to smoke. Again, they can be your box standard boring, or they can be a lot of fun. Most cannabis users have more than one. And some have a pretty impressive collection.
Geeking out to the Star Wars theme for some of your bongs can be fun too. If you are a medical cardholder and legally permitted to smoke (and you don’t have kids in the house), you may want to display your collection.
A word of advice, though. There are some highly creative glass bongs out there. And they can have intricate designs that, while visually appealing, can be a real pain to clean. So, as you are eyeing up some new glass, consider whether it will be easy to sanitize your bong. Your Star Wars glass pipe isn’t going to be so cool looking with a build-up of crud.

The Ultimate Star Trooper Gas Mask
You have probably seen one or two designs of a gas mask online. Medical cannabis dispensaries don’t tend to stock fun accessories like this. But if you go to an adult-use or recreational dispensary, they are going to have a few.
Smoking in a gas mask is not recommended for anyone who has respiratory problems. Using them is very easy, though. You simply pack the bowl, get comfortable, slide on the mask, and flame on. Instead of the smoke from your hit drifting everywhere, it creates a haze and cloud inside the mask.
Some people swear by the gas mask bong designs. You may use less cannabis with them because you are getting more vapor in every hit. They are perfect for antisocial people. If you want to check out and enjoy your smoke, that may be one good way to do it. Who is going to try to talk to you with a Star Trooper mask on?
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Boba Fett Helmet Bong
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, lived the legendary bounty hunter Bobo Fett. The Mandalorian was cool before fans even knew the backstory of Boba Fett and his dad Jango Fett. By far, the Mandalorians had the best armor in the universe.
Geeking out for a moment, did you know that Bobo was not the son of Jango Fett? He was an unaltered exact clone—one of the first experiments conducted by the Emperor to create the clone army. For a character who had very little screen time at the beginning of the Star Wars film dynasty, fans became infatuated with Boba Fett. There were only two characters that Darth Vader treated with respect: the Emperor and Boba Fett. That’s street cred right there.
This epic Bobo Fett helmet bong has been blogged by every cannabis website and sci-fi fan club. When you look at the construction of it, it’s not hard to see why. We are in awe. You wear the glass helmet. This bong has been listed as one of the top ten most creative hand-blown glass pieces globally. Cool, but we wouldn’t want to clean it.

Photo Credit: Kevin Murphy
Jabba The Hutt Bongs
Once there was a legendary OG in Star Wars that the entire galaxy feared. Strange that he was just an oversized worm, right? You have to love George Lucas’ brain. Only Lucas could make a drooling, slimy obese larva into one of the most feared cinematic bad guys.
Some fun fan facts about Jabba the Hutt:
- The Hutts were from a disgusting planet called Nal Hutta. Hutts were not a specific species or race. The term refers to organized crime lords. The planet is slimy, swampy, and smelly. Go figure.
- Jabba the Hutt had a massive redesign and appearance change before the first film was released. Originally, he was supposed to be an alien dressed in a robe, with a Fu Manchu like mustache. The artistic team felt that style was too close to some of the other Jedi’s and species.
Lucasfilm creatives drew inspiration from the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland instead. Hence the giant worm, hitting a hookah.
The Inspiration Behind the Death Scene Between Leia and Jabba the Hutt
The scene where Princess Leia strangles Jabba the Hutt to death was inspired by “The Godfather” film. Specifically, the scene where Luca Brasi is choked for a long, long time before dying. You cannot unsee the similarities between the scenes once you watch them again. Jabba, too, got to ‘sleep with the fishes.’ Or the Sarlacc, rather.
Here is the original concept art for Jabba the Hutt, created by artist Ralph McQuarrie.

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Jabba the Hutt accessories are pretty popular, considering the character played such a small part in the overall film franchise. One of the reasons is that Jabba the Hutt was a toker. Or, at the very least, he enjoyed his hookah a lot after snacking on small rodents.

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Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Bongs
From the first moment we laid eyes on the light speed X-Wing Fighters, we all wanted to drive one. Admit it. Star Wars gave us our first cinematic sense of essentially a space Porsche. Able to jump into light speed and outmaneuver the less agile Imperial Fighters.
If you are a Star Wars fan, here are some things you might not know about the legendary X-Wing Fighter:
They were expensive to buy. For the characters in the New Republic, they really were the top-of-the-line performance vehicle. A T-65B X-Wing would cost 150,000 Imperial credits and about 65,000 Imperial credits for a used vehicle. The upgraded T-85 X-Wing cost 220,000 credits. By comparison, the first Death Star cost over one trillion credits to build. No wonder the Emperor was ticked off every time it blew up.
A T-65B X-Wing fighter’s relative speed was a maximum atmospheric speed of 1,050 kilometers per hour. Or approximately 653 miles per hour, flying in planetary atmospheres. However, once the X-Wing left gravity, it was capable of traveling 100 MGLT (Megalights per hour).

Photo Credit: Reddit r/trees
Droids of Star Wars Bongs
We can admit that we’re a fan of R2-D2. How a little droid who didn’t speak English mastered Ph.D. sarcasm in dialogue was pretty impressive. The little ‘garbage can on wheels’ also saves the day. Again, and again and again. Not to mention being the bearer of the first and most important message from Princess Leia to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
George Lucas and his team actually got into a bit of trouble over the creative design of R2-D2. Apparently, Lucas was inspired by a movie from 1972 called “Silent Running.” The droids in that film bear an uncanny resemblance to R2-D2. And the film creators got sued, but the legal action was eventually dropped.
Walter Murch is a famous sound editor, and you know his work from many films, including American Graffiti. The sound reels for R2-D2 were labeled “Reel 2, Dialogue Track 2” in editing. They shortened it to R2-D2, and Lucas loved it. The name for the droid stuck.
The original Star Wars script had R2-D2 and C-2PO speaking in English. Full sentences. But as sound editing was expensive, the creative team decided to limit R2-D2 to beeps and machination sounds instead. It saved them money. And that is why C-2PO repeatedly explains that R2-D2’s speaking capability was modified because he ‘swears a lot.’

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In our search for Star Wars-themed cannabis accessories, we saw Chewbacca bongs and Yoda bong caps. Decorative stash boxes and everything in between. It doesn’t matter how old the franchise gets. Each generation of new films expands the backstory, keeping Star Wars fans enthralled and waiting for the next chapter of the Jedi dynasty.
There are many easter eggs in the Star Wars films that only hardcore fans have seen or know about. Grab your bong and get comfortable and try watching the original series again. We promise you are going to see some of George Lucas’ humor differently after you smoke.
Featurd Image: Canva