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Phew, Of Relief! And Phew Again!


Why the Phew?

She isn’t coming. Who isn’t coming, one might ask? Harry’s wife. Where? To the Coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey on May 6th! Harry’s wife is staying home at the mansion in Montecito.

So, Phew!

If invited, this Spoof writer would have attended in a flash! Wearing proper navy blue (favorite color and always resembling either a police officer or a flight attendant) with hat fascinator, hair in a neat bun, and not witching in the wind. Amen! The Spoof would have been elegantly represented.

But anyway, Harry’s bride said, “No, thanks.” So maybe she didn’t exactly add, thanks.

She sent her regrets. Okay? It is the son’s 4th birthday, after all. Her family won’t be allowed on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, and the crown refuses to sing Happy Birthday to the birthday boy at Westminster Abbey or on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

The mother’s thinking, After all, you only have your 4th birthday once in a lifetime! That’s only once!

So, she is staying home.


Like the comic strip Maggie and Jiggs, will Harry get it from the bride when he returns home? Coronation souvenirs won’t rate as appeasement. Jams from the crown’s Highgrove estate could be used as hand grenades. A portrait of the new king and queen might become a dart board.

How about a nice diamond tiara with green emerald, like what the bride didn’t get to wear on her wedding day even though Harry was heard to say, She gets whatever she wants.



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