The vaquita are the rarest mammals that live in the sea, and they can only be found in one place: Mexico’s Gulf of California. These remarkable creatures are literally on the brink of extinction, and Mexico’s government is not holding up their end of the agreement to protect them.

This is an emergency, and it is time our leaders start acting like it. If we don’t act soon, we could lose the vaquita forever.

Sign now to demand Biden implement a wildlife trade embargo on Mexico until it can properly regulate illegal fishing and the illegal wildlife trade!

Cousins of the dolphin, vaquita are the single most endangered species in the world. Known for their silly, pig-like noises and friendly eyes, vaquita are shy and typically live around twenty years.

But gillnets used for fishing kill vaquita of all ages, young and old. While it may seem that farming of other fish, like captive totoaba, would have nothing to do with wild vaquita out at sea, this legal form of totoaba production has historically led to dramatic increases in illegal totoaba fishing — thus increasing the risk to vaquita that get caught in the crossfire.

Unfortunately, Mexico has not taken enough steps to effectively curb the illegal fishing market, meaning that vaquita are still threatened — and continue to be recklessly killed. If Mexico doesn’t address this illegal fishing soon, the vaquita will be gone forever.

President Biden can help encourage Mexico to act by implementing a wildlife trade embargo to address this emergency!

Please sign this petition to pressure the Biden Administration to protect this rare and beautiful mammal!

This article by Mathew Davis was first published by OneGreenPlanet on 25 July 2023. 

What you can do

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Fighting for Wildlife supports approved wildlife conservation organizations, which spend at least 80 percent of the money they raise on actual fieldwork, rather than administration and fundraising. When making a donation you can designate for which type of initiative it should be used – wildlife, oceans, forests or climate.


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