Amazing news! A new, previously undocumented pack of endangered grey wolves has been spotted in California!

The sweet family of five, which includes an adult female mom wolf and her four pups, was seen in the southern part of the state.

The adult female is actually a descendant of the infamous wolf OR-7, which was the first grey wolf ID’ed in California in nearly a century.

Sign now to tell the California Department of Fish and Wildlife: ensure protection for this newly discovered pack!

The rare pack, which was discovered in the beautiful Sequoia national forest, is a stark reminder of the importance of protecting threatened species and the public lands that they inhabit.

Grey wolves used to be extremely common in California, but hunting, trapping, and habitat loss drove them to almost disappear into extinction.

Trump-era slashes to protections certainly didn’t help, and conservationists have been fighting desperately to make sure we don’t lose grey wolves forever.

These wolves are a symbol of hope, and it is crucial they are protected by the state’s wildlife agency!

Sign the petition now if you agree!

What you can do

Support ‘Fighting for Wildlife’ by donating as little as $1 – It only takes a minute. Thank you.


Fighting for Wildlife supports approved wildlife conservation organizations, which spend at least 80 percent of the money they raise on actual fieldwork, rather than administration and fundraising. When making a donation you can designate for which type of initiative it should be used – wildlife, oceans, forests or climate.

This article by Mathew Davis was first published by One Green Planet on 3 September 2023. Image Credit :Pat-s pictures/Shutterstock.


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