Pennsylvania: Five People Arrested Over $170K Casino Scam
Across the US, cheating is subject to different penalties. A prime reason for this practice is the different laws and regulations regarding gambling which vary from one state to the other. In general, cheating or any attempts to scam can be subject to prosecution.
Depending on the size of the money obtained through cheating, in some cases, culprits may face misdemeanor or even felony charges. This is precisely the case of several people who were allegedly involved in a scheme that transpired at Live! Casino Philadelphia.
The casino reportedly lost nearly $200,000 to the scheme that involved four patrons and one employee. As announced by Play Pennsylvania, citing data from the Pennsylvania State Police, a total of five people have been detained after an investigation uncovered the cheating scheme.
While three of the individuals were arrested in April, two others were detained last month. All five are suspected of being involved in the fraudulent activity that resulted in a $170,000 loss for Live! Casino Philadelphia. Each of the suspects reportedly faces misdemeanor cheating and felony theft charges.
Citing police data, the publication revealed that the dealer at Live! Casino Philadelphia, who was arrested over the alleged participation in the cheating scheme, was identified with the initials K.H. He allegedly co-conspired with four other patrons, identified with the initials D.L., H.L., V.T. and J.Y.
An Unelaborate Fraudulent Activity
An investigation by law enforcement uncovered that the scheme allegedly used by the five people wasn’t elaborate at all. The casino dealer is suspected of playing a key role as he helped the patrons gain an advantage in different games.
Allegedly, K.H. would “switch hands so it would appear as if the players had won,” according to the Philadelphia State Police. Once the winners received their pay, the dealer allegedly faked a shuffle, which enabled the patrons to gain an advantage by knowing what to expect. The dealer, who is suspected of being involved in the scheme, was allegedly paid by the players outside of the casino.
Earlier this year, law enforcement detained a woman near Valley Forge Casino on suspicion of prostitution. She was arrested together with a man who according to police had drugs on him. The two were booked at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility.
Jerome García
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